Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s divorce drama isn’t over! Their legal battle has been going on since their separation in 2016. While the initial focus was on child custody, the dispute has since expanded to include their French winery, Château Miraval.

Former couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in a still from Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Credits: 20th Century Studios)

They’re now fighting in court over their famous French winery, Chateau Miraval. The judge has ordered Jolie to hand over all non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) she signed or created in the past eight years (between 2014 and 2022). This decision might make things harder for Jolie, giving Pitt a bit of an advantage.

Angelina Jolie’s NDAs with Brad Pitt Complicate Ongoing Legal Battle

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in a still from Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Credits: 20th Century Studios)

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s French winery, Chateau Miraval, is the latest battleground in their ongoing divorce saga. Angie decided to sell her 50% stake in the winery to Russian businessman Yuri Shefler in 2021.

However, Pitt argues this violated their agreement where they couldn’t sell shares without offering them to each other first. Jolie claims the actor’s controlling behavior made it impossible to maintain the partnership. To defend herself, she relied heavily on confidentiality agreements (NDAs).

But a recent court decision forcing her to disclose these agreements could be a major blow to her case, according to legal experts. The insider close to the Hollywood star told The Mirror:

Angelina chose to make NDAs a battleground in this case, and now her strategy appears to have backfired spectacularly. Her defense has been exposed as a house of cards, and she will now have to provide details of all the NDAs she demanded of third parties. There is no question that this is a huge setback for her.

The judge’s decision to see AJ’s other NDAs could weaken her defense. If her past agreements cover similar topics, it could undermine her claim that the 60-year-old’s proposed NDA was unfair. Despite the setback, Jolie’s lawyers say they will provide the NDAs. They also argue the judge’s ruling allows them to probe further into Pitt’s actions.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s Case is Far from Over

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in By the Sea

While the court order is a clear win for Brad Pitt, legal experts caution that the case is not over yet. The source continued (via The Mirror):

There’s a long way to go, but in the context of the case so far, this is a hugely important and far-reaching ruling which will be problematic for her defense.

Now that the NDA ruling is in, attention shifts to what’s tucked away in those agreements. It remains to be seen if they’ll help Brad Pitt’s case or if Angelina Jolie’s legal team will find a way to navigate this unexpected hurdle.

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