X-Men ‘97 has just wrapped up a wonderful season of nostalgia, thrilling action, and a strong narrative that firmly established the X-Men’s newfound position. The group of mutants has faced lethal villains who did everything in their power to destroy the mutant-kind and have still put on a brave face.

The finale episodes of season 2 certainly gave the fans huge hints as to what they can expect from the upcoming seasons of X-Men ‘97 which are already in production. Marvel does not want to stop satisfying fans and will perhaps try its best to produce X-Men ‘97 on a massive scale.

Who Voiced Bastion in X-Men ‘97?

Bastion in X-Men '97
Bastion in X-Men ’97 | Marvel Studios

One of the biggest reasons why X-Men ‘97 became such a phenomenal hit is because of its expansive heroes and villains. While many shows prefer having a clear distinction between the good, the bad, and the evil, X-Men ‘97 proved that a show can scale new heights when it’s the audience who decides who’s good and who’s bad. The motives and intentions of each character kept shifting in the show, making it a very thrilling ride.

Magneto, for example, kept oscillating between his beliefs and tried his best to figure out what he wanted in the end. However, the biggest, baddest villain of X-Men ‘97 was Bastion, the human-sentinel hybrid. An intelligent and powerful being, he proved to be a formidable foe against the mighty X-Men. He exuded sinister vibes as soon as he came on screen and let the viewers know that something terrible was about to happen.

Theo James in The Gentlemen
Theo James in The Gentlemen | Moonage Pictures

Popular actor Theo James voiced the character Bastion in X-Men ‘97. He has been a part of animated projects before including portraying James in The Inbetweeners Movie and Hector in Netflix’s Castlevania. The British actor is known for his charming personality and a voice of gravitas that instantly hooks the viewer. His portrayal of Bastion was absolutely apt and equally loved by all fans.

Fans React to Finding Theo James Voiced Bastion in X-Men ‘97

X-Men '97 features Theo James as Bastion
Theo James as Bastion in X-Men ’97 | Marvel Studios

Since it’s an animated show, many fans don’t realize that their favorite actors might be behind the scenes voicing the characters they have come to fall in love with. The same happened with X-Men ‘97. Many of the previous voice actors came back on board for the sequel series, but other, newer characters were voiced by different actors. Fans have been pleasantly surprised to know that Theo James has voiced Bastion, making it another reason why they loved the villain so much.

There has been an ongoing consensus that Theo James needs to appear in one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe live-action roles. Fans find him incredibly attractive and talented to take on any role in the MCU, whether it’s a hero or a villain. And now, James has proved his ability to portray villainous roles with equal authenticity. Fans hope Kevin Feige is listening and casts James in a project soon.

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