“I have Spent My Whole Life Searching For The Impossible, Never Imagining I Would Become The Impossible.”- The Flash.

Developed by Gregory Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geoffrey Johns the Flash, is one of the main characters of the DC Universe. Barry Allen a forensic scientist with the Central City police department is in an accident struck by lightning leading him into coma. After nine months when Barry wakes up only to be surprised and to find himself having super speed. The Flash had a spawn of different movies and TV shows, making this character to see it all. Of course with his long run in the comics The Flash had a variety of interactions with different scarlet speedster. With some of them being from a completely different earth but having the same justice agenda. While other speedsters like the Reverse-Flash, Zoom and Savitar have been the most evil speedsters of both comic as well as the TV show. Despite of that the flash has had plenty of cosplays including some attractive gender-bending ones also. So here are 10 female flash cosplays that fans need to see.


#1 Cosplay By Siryn As (the Golden Age Flash):

hunger games


#2 Cosplay By Holly Wolf:



#3 Cosplay By Contagious As(the bombshell universe’s Flash):

Bombshell Flash by Contagious Costuming Cropped


#4 Cosplay By Rage Kitten As (the Reverse Flash):

Rage Kitten Reverse Flash Cropped


#5 Cosplay By Kira Kelly As (Kid Flash):


#6 Cosplay By Katy Decobray As (Zoom):



#7 Cosplay By Kayt:



#8 Cosplay By Danielle Vedovelli:

p 2


#9 Cosplay By M.C Bourbonnais As (the New 52 Flash):



#10 Cosplay By Jamie Tyndall:




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