For some, Iron Man is a thing of the past. However, for the real MCU fans, this was the beginning of an era. Iron Man as a character and movies (no matter how good or bad they were) will always be close to our hearts. Tony Stark, a.k.a, Iron Man was how it all started. He was one of the founding members of the Avengers, and without him (and Nat of course) things won’t ever feel the same. If you think you know everything about Iron Man and his movies, you might be wrong. Here are a few fun facts about Iron Man movies you might not know. Check it out!

1. The First Movie Wouldn’t Have Made It To The Theatres If The Makers Hadn’t Taken The Risk

Iron Man (2008)
Iron Man (2008)

Back in the 2000s, it was a risky thing to even think about making a superhero movie as big as Iron Man. But thankfully, the makers took the risk to go ahead with the project. And now, in a way, MCU is one of the biggest franchises because of the risk they took in making Iron Man movie!

2. Robert Downey Jr. Came To The Screen Test In Formals

Robert Downey Jr. had to wear a tuxedo to the screen test of Iron Man to make a good impression
Robert Downey Jr. had to wear a tuxedo to the screen test of Iron Man to make a good impression

We all strongly believe that nobody can replace or would’ve played a better Iron Man other than Robert Downey Jr. However, did you know Kevin Feige and Jon Favreau worked hard to convince the board that RDJ was the best choice for the character? Yes, RDJ was a wonderful actor. However, he was suffering from addiction. So, to make a good impression, RDJ was supposed to come dressed up in formals for the screen test.

3. The Character Of Tony Stark Was Based On A Real-Life Millionaire

Left: Tony Stark in MCU Right: Real-life Howard Hughes (Stan Lee's inspiration for Tony Stark's character)
Left: Tony Stark in MCU Right: Real-life Howard Hughes (Stan Lee’s inspiration for Tony Stark’s character)

Things get interesting when we get to know a movie/character is based on some real-life events or people. The same is the case with our favorite character, Iron Man. The character isn’t just Stan Lee’s imagination. He revealed, he was inspired by a 20th-century philanthropist named Howard Hughes for Tony Stark’s character. Lee described Hughes as  “one of the most colorful men of our time. He was an inventor, an adventurer, a multi-billionaire, a ladies’ man, and finally a nutcase.” Exactly what we saw in the movies, isn’t it?

4. The Full Form Of J.A.R.V.I.S Isn’t Something Fancy

Tony Stark's AI System J.A.R.V.I.S
Tony Stark’s AI System J.A.R.V.I.S

The name for Tony’s AI system was J.A.R.V.I.S. Well, you would think the full form of this acronym must be something very fancy and complicated. But it is the complete opposite of it! J.A.R.V.I.S stands for “Just A Rather Very Intelligent System”. Whatever the full form is, we all know what this AI system was capable of doing.

5. Tony Stark Was Once A Woman In The Comics

In Marvel Comics, on Earth 3490, Tony Stark was born as Natasha Stark who fell in love with Captain America
In Marvel Comics, on Earth 3490, Tony Stark was born as Natasha Stark who fell in love with Captain America

Yes, MCU is based on Marvel Comics. However, not everything you read in the comics will be seen in the MCU. The comics, sometimes, have different versions of a character in different timelines. One such version of Tony Stark was a woman named Natasha Stark who fell in love with Captain America.

6. Imagine Iron Man’s Helmet With A Nose

Iron Man with a nose
Iron Man with a nose

Were you able to imagine Iron Man’s helmet with a nose? What was it like? Funny, isn’t it? Well, you’re not the first one to imagine him with a nose. Stan Lee in 1974 asked an illustrator to add a nose to Iron Man’s helmet. When he did, the result was hilarious. Thankfully Stan Lee retracted his request. Or else, just imagine, Tony Stark wearing a helmet with a nose!

7. The Reason Behind Iron Man 3’s Increased Budget Was The Avengers

The success of The Avengers led to an increase in Iron Man 3's budget
The success of The Avengers led to an increase in Iron Man 3’s budget

Bringing all the superheroes in one movie was a big thing and Joss Whedon did it right! The movie’s success helped the makers to increase Iron Man 3’s budget to the extent that they could give their best in the trilogy’s last. Moreover, Iron Man 3 became the most successful movie in the Iron Man trilogy.

8. The Movie Was Deliberately Shot On The West Coast

This is why the movie has a West Coast feel
This is why the movie has a West Coast feel

While most of the movies based on comic books were being shot on the East Coast and set in New York, the makers wanted to shoot Iron Man on the West Coast. The director wanted to separate this movie from the competition and give it a West Coast feel!

9. It Was A Play Of Improvs

Tony Stark and Rhodey
Tony Stark and Rhodey

The director was open enough for the actors to improvise on the spot and give it an original feel. Well, it worked in their favor!

10. This Was Originally Thought Of As A Spy Movie

Jon Favreau directed Iron Man and Iron Man 2 and also acted as Happy Hogan in the all the movies
Jon Favreau directed Iron Man and its sequel, and also acted as Happy Hogan in all the movies

Jon Favreau, the man behind the direction of Iron Man (2008) originally wanted to make this movie an “ultimate spy movie”. He even had a few inspirations noted. Moreover, it was his idea to make Iron Man’s origin story take place in Afghanistan and not Vietnam (as per Comics). That was because he wanted the story to be more relatable to the current audience and not make it a “period piece”.

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