The Acolyte is a vital project for Lucasfilms. And it’s a whole new chapter in the Star Wars book, with new adventures. Plus, it features a whole new crew of characters. However, die-hard Star Wars fans doesn’t seem too excited about the Disney+ series The Acolyte.

Star Wars: The Acolyte
Amandla Stenberg in Star Wars: The Acolyte (Credits: Disney+)

Set long before the Skywalker story everyone knows, the show promises a fresh look at a time when the Jedi were at their peak. Ten famous Star Wars characters might also make an appearance. Despite these beloved characters, fans still want the show to remain separate from the official Star Wars storyline.

Beloved Characters Can’t Save The Acolyte from Disappointed Fans

Star Wars: The Acolyte
Amandla Stenberg in Star Wars: The Acolyte (Credits: Disney+)

Star Wars is going back in time for a new show, The Acolyte. This era is brand new for Star Wars movies and TV shows. Back then, the Jedi Knights were super powerful and everything was peaceful throughout the galaxy. The heroes of the story are a new group of young Jedi Knights.

This is exciting for Star Wars fans who have long clamored to know more about the Jedi when they were at their best. The Acolyte shows fans how they trained, what they believed in, and how they used their lightsabers in a way they have never seen before.

The main character is a woman, which brings a new perspective to the Jedi world. This fresh approach explores the Force and the Jedi way of life. In addition to new faces, the show will feature ten well-established Star Wars characters. Check out the names of these 10 characters below:

Even though they seem to get along and everything fits fine, fans are still not happy. They love the characters but want to keep The Acolyte‘s story out of the official Star Wars timeline. Check out some fan reactions below:

Critics seem to like the show, giving it an 85% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. But fans aren’t so sure, with the audience rating dropping to just 13%. So what’s the deal? Some fans think the show messes with Star Wars history, while others just find it boring. There’s also been some negativity because the show has a Black actress as the lead.

Confusion Fueled Negative Reviews for Star Wars Series

A still from The Acolyte (Credits: Disney+)
A still from The Acolyte (Credits: Disney+)

The show, which features Black actress Amandla Stenberg as the lead and includes a same-sex romance, has the lowest audience score on Rotten Tomatoes of any Star Wars project ever. According to the Independent, this is due to ‘review bombing’ — where a large number of online users give something a bad rating to harm its popularity.

The negative reviews started dropping really fast recently for the show, and some people noticed a strange coincidence. There’s a 2008 movie with a similar name, Acolytes, and its ratings also plummeted around the same time! Looks like some reviewers might have confused the two projects.

Watch The Acolyte on Disney+!

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