Created by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee, Tony Stark is quite a genius. His charm and intellect is what makes him a spectacular character. With that being said, his intellect has helped him create the Iron Man suit. While the Marvel Cinematic Universe had only one world where Stark managed to become the Iron Man, the comic world has some incredible opportunities for him.

In Marvel Comics, there are many timelines where different and alternate versions of Iron Man exist. Some of them are even powerful than the MCU version. But others, they are perhaps the most powerful ones in their respective universe. With that said, these are the 10 most powerful versions of Iron Man (throughout the multiverse) –

Iron Man 2099

Stark as Iron Man 2099
Stark as Iron Man 2099

2099 is undoubtedly the darkest Marvel timeline in the comic world. There exists an Iron Man whose technology is a century ahead of that of Stark’s tech. However, the basic abilities and power of the suits are somewhat the same.

Lord Iron

Stark as Lord Iron
Stark as Lord Iron

It is the Iron Man from Earth-311 where the Marvel characters reside in an Elizabethan setting. With that being said, Lord Iron possesses almost similar abilities and powers as the regular one. However, the armor is much of a steampunk take with some increased armored protection and strength.


Stark as Exiles
Stark as Exiles

Tony Stark from Earth-42777 is a despotic ruler who killed all the supervillains and superheroes in that universe. Exiles have all the traditional powers of Iron Man but lack a sense of morality.

Ultimate Iron Man

Ultimate Iron Man was written by Orson Scott Card
Ultimate Iron Man was written by Orson Scott Card

The Iron Man from Earth-1610 is indeed powerful. After his body and mind got swapped by an Infinity Stone, he became eligible to mentally and physically interact with every computer system.

Iron Man 2020

Stark as Iron Man 2020
Stark as Iron Man 2020

Iron Man 2020 is precisely Arno Stark. He is the descendant of Tony Stark. While this version of Iron Man is very powerful, he got an upgraded suit as well that is known for its clamps.

Iron Goblin

Stark as Iron Goblin
Stark as Iron Goblin

The Iron Goblin from Spider-Island is perhaps one of the most powerful versions of Green Goblin available in the Marvel comics. This hybrid version of Goblin and Stark features both the Goblin formula and Iron Man’s armor abilities.

Iron Lantern

Stark as Iron Lantern
Stark as Iron Lantern

Next, Iron Lantern is the hybrid version of Green Lantern and Iron Man that appeared in the Marvel and DC crossover in 1997. While it has all the powers of Tony Stark, it does include some intriguing abilities of Hal Jordan as well.

Infamous Iron Man

Infamous Iron Man was written by Brian Michael
Infamous Iron Man was written by Brian Michael

The Exiles Iron Man didn’t have Doctor Doom’s power, but the Infamous Iron Man have it. Doom is perhaps one of the most powerful magicians in the Marvel universe and that is how the Infamous Iron Man can manipulate both reality and matter.

Sorcerer Supreme

Stark as Sorcerer Supreme on Earth-TRN591
Stark as Sorcerer Supreme on Earth-TRN591

While there are plenty of variants of Doctor Strange available in the comic world, Iron Man is simply one of them. Yes, you read it right; it was Tony Stark who becomes the Sorcerer Supreme on Earth-9810.

Infinity Wraps

Stark Odinson on Earth-616
Stark Odinson on Earth-616

At last, Infinity Wraps is the Iron Man who has both the abilities of Thor and Iron Man. This mixture is what makes this version of Iron Man the most powerful one. He can wield Thor’s hammer and generate electrical blasts as well.

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