Who needs an actual costume to cosplay?
When you can body-paint yourself as one, and be honest with you guys, these body painted cosplays are just like the real costumes.
One needs to see them believe them.
It’s a fact that comic book superheroes, as we all know, are a popular source of co-play inspiration. Worldwide, there is an extensive range of tremendous characters to choose from.
Especially with their heroic super-suits, power poses, and weapons they use, it’s easy to see how these mainstream icons are a constant fan favorite when putting on a new facade for that next cosplay summit.
While few decide to wear an actual costume with different accessories like holsters, belts, and whatnot.
On the other hand, others choose to increase the mark of portraying their favorite superheroes by using nothing but the tool of body-paint and makeup.
Similarly, KayPike is an Artist who goes by the name of The Body Painter over the internet and is a magnificent designer with a lot of tolerance.
Each week on Twitch, Kay live-streams two new characters, each taking up to 11-12 hrs to complete.
Her body paint designs are so real that they bring comic book pages to life in a completely distinctive way.
KayPike’s designs bring entertainment, modulation, and even aptitude to our favorite comic book characters like Joker, Thanos, and Batman.
So if you are a hardcore comic book fan and love cosplay or even taking inspiration for your next cosplay, then you must have a look at KayPike’s designs.
As we at Animated Times have brought to you 20 of her Remarkable Body Paint Cosplays.
So sit back and have a look at the list with us.


1. Starfire:



2. Jean Grey:



3. Rogue:



4. Cheetah:



5. Spiderwoman:



6. She-Hulk:



7. Dove:



8. Lady Deadpool:



9. Mera:



10. Invisible Woman:



11. Nebula:



12. Spider-Women:



13. Shiklah:

14. Robin:
15. Two-Face:
16. Beast:
17. Joker:
18. Doctor Doom:
19. Skeletor:
20. Thanos:
So above are 20 Remarkable Body Paint Cosplays That Look Just Like The Comic Book Drawings
Hope you have enjoyed our top 20 picks.
Which among these Body Paint Cosplays is your favorite?
Give us your valuable thoughts in the comment section down below…
Till then, for more fantastic content related, keep on reading Animated Times, the best place for pop culture, movies, tv shows, and much more.
Source: Ranker 
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