When we think of Marvel, it’s literally impossible to imagine that world without Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, aka the Star-Spangled Man, aka America’s ass. Ever since Chris Evans took on the role in 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger, the MCU didn’t remain the same. Evans quickly became the core of the MCU alongside Iron Man and fans just couldn’t get enough of him. His story even allowed the MCU to bring in the Winter Soldier who fans totally adore. However, outside of the MCU, Evans is somewhat of a notorious kid himself. So what happens when people become the funny ones and turn Captain America into a meme? Let’s have a look at these 20 Captain America memes that will make your day!

1. Let’em know Chris, go get’em!

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Evans wrote Chris on his name tag literally as soon as Avengers: Endgame became the second highest-grossing picture of all time. Way to go, show off!

2. Steve and Thor Are Wholesome

Avengers: Infinity War & Avengers: Endgame
Avengers: Infinity War & Avengers: Endgame

This is literally seen in Infinity War and Endgame. When Thor arrives in Wakanda, Rogers is blown away by Thor’s power and a new weapon. However, when Rogers finally lifts the Mjolnir, Thor looks at him in awe. This tells us the beauty of their bond.

3. Pick me up, Cap

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Chris Hemsworth’s son represents all of us.

4. Worthy Chris Evans

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In real life too Evans preaches the same morals as Steve Rogers. In one such incident, he gifted Captain America to a boy who saved his sister from a dog attack.

5. Hold Still Evans

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One of the most beloved things about Evans is the way he laughs. Sebastian once imitated his laughter by saying that no matter how hard the laugh is, he will pound on your left peck. He’s accurate!

6. How MCU is Different From DCEU

Old Steve Rogers in Avengers: Endgame
Old Steve Rogers in Avengers: Endgame

Steve Rogers was worthy since day one. One of the moments that defined his entire life was when he stood against the entire Black Order and Thanos even after taking the beating of a lifetime. However, he always remained true to himself and his morals.

7. Steve + Peggy = Perfect Couple

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I mean, Steve literally convinces Peggy first, then goes on to save his best friend Bucky and other soldiers. These moments between Peggy and Steve shaped the future of their run which finally concluded in Avengers: Endgame.

8. Peter Distracting Everybody

Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth & Tom Holland
Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth & Tom Holland

Evans really looks like either he’s too happy about unlocking the phone, or is simply just checking himself out in the front camera.

9. Fun Uncle Chris

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Evans sounds confident about being the fun uncle, almost as if he loves the title.

10. Steve & Bucky

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Steve and Bucky are two sides of the same coin, hence maintaining the balance in their friendship.

11. On Purpose?

Steve Rogers in Avengers: Age of Ultron & Avengers: Endgame
Steve Rogers in Avengers: Age of Ultron & Avengers: Endgame

Did Steve actually stop trying it on purpose? He was always worthy. In my opinion, he respected Thor’s weapon and remained modest until it was totally necessary.

12. Peek-A-Boo

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Steve has a habit of hiding behind his shield to survive. However, it’s literally wonderful to see him utilize every inch of that shield to cover his body.

13. Once Again!

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Rogers has used his shield to protect many of the co-Avengers. One of them is Natasha. Rogers has saved her on many occasions by somehow fitting behind the shield along with her.

14. Steve’s Dialogues In Real Life

Steve Rogers in Captain America: Civil War
Steve Rogers in Captain America: Civil War

Steve and Peter’s interaction in Captain America: Civil War was wholesome. The main reason why is because they were both on different sides but they didn’t fail to appreciate each other.

15. True Bromance

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Steve-Bucky is one of the best bromances in the film industry. The relationship has culminated in every stage, such as rescue, suffer, comeback, and redemption. They started together and fought off the greatest threat together. These two clearly never gave up on each other.

16. Bucky Give Me a High Five Dude!

Chris Evans in Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Chris Evans in Captain America: The Winter Soldier

This is one of my personal favorite memes on this list. It actually looks like Steve is trying to get a high five from Bucky even though the situation is intense. Bucky doesn’t remember who Steve is but the meme makes it looks like Steve just wants a high five. Hilarious!

17. New Dance Move

Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan
Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan

Of course, this isn’t dancing. And they’re definitely old considering they’re super-soldiers.

18. Actually Goes With His Story

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Steve was frozen in ice and revived after 70 years. As a result, when he regained his consciousness, he was totally aloof and unaware of all the technological advancements. In fact, he didn’t even know the year he woke up in. So, him feeling like a hacker after he unlocks his phone should have been an actual scene.

19. Steve’s Life Came Back Full Circle

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Steve Rogers is the perfect friend, fighter, and lover. He promised Peggy that he will be back for their dance, and he lived up to his promise in Endgame. One can only imagine the hardships Peggy faced after losing her love. On the other hand, we saw the life that Steve led in the absence of Peggy as he never forgot about her.

20. Uh… What?

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So, we never thought of this crossover. But do you think that Steve Rogers and the rest of the Avengers would be into watching FRIENDS?

21. It’s true

rsz captain america meme 4 cropped

Steve in his prime never backed down from a challenge. But old man Steve is pretty much content with his life and doesn’t wanna “do it all day.”

22. Lecture Time

so youre obsessed with the new captain america me 2 14232 1526451805 2 dblbig

I’m sure you can hear this meme in Evans’ voice. As soon as he starts a sentence with So, you know it is lecture time and Steve is going to lay down some heavy facts for you.

23. Sorry Stan

Even though Steve and Bucky are best friends, this meme makes a hilarious connection to Steve’s journey in stopping HYDRA.

24. “That is America’s ass.”

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Steve himself was surprised when he saw his butt in the first person and uttered, “That is America’s ass.” This collage proves just that.

25. This time, Sorry Russell

Chris Evans and Wyatt Russell as Captain America
Chris Evans and Wyatt Russell as Captain America

For me, personally, Wyatt Russell did a great job as John Walker and Captain America too. He showed just perfectly what could happen if the shield is given to an unstable soldier. But the meme downplays him in a healthy manner. Watch The Falcon and The Winter Soldier for Russell’s performance as John Walker. He is now the U.S. Agent recruited by Valentina.