3 Dragon Ball Characters Who Will Destroy Broly and 3 Who Don’t Stand a Chance Against Him
Broly is a powerful Saiyan mutant and the latest of Universe 7’s Legendary Super Saiyans, which are demonic Saiyans that appear every 1,000 years. Born on Planet Vegeta, Broly was exiled to the planet Vampa for being born with more powers than Prince Vegeta. He was raised by his father on the planet Vampa until he was rescued by Cheelai and Lemo of the Frieza Force 48 years later.

Broly possesses tremendous strength and astronomical power as displayed in Dragon Ball Super: Broly. For all of Broly’s unprecedented talent in battle, he is a pacifist who doesn’t desire to fight except for those he cares deeply or when his rage takes over him completely.
3 Characters Who Would Win Against Broly
As incredible as his battle skills are, making him one of the most fearsome fighters in the series, few Dragon Ball characters could beat him in a fight. Here are three characters who could beat Broly.

Main abilities: Stardust Smasher, Ultimate Impact
Created by the fusion of Goku and Vegeta, Gogeta is undoubtedly one of the strongest characters in Dragon Ball. As a Metamoran fusion, Gogeta is far more capable of defeating Broly than both Goku and Vegeta. Since he is the combination of the two most powerful Saiyans in existence, Gogeta is extremely powerful, rivaling the strength of Broly.
In the movie Dragon Ball Super: Broly Gogeta engages in a fight with Broly. It was quickly evident that Gogeta had the upper hand in the battle and Broly, while immensely strong, was no match for Gogeta.

Main abilities: Complete Shot, Big Bang Flash
Vegito is another fusion of Goku and Vegeta by using the Potara Earrings. Born out of desperation to defeat Super Buu, Vegito wields tremendous power as shown in the battle with Fused Zamasu. Although he quickly defused due to overuse of power, Vegito was able to fight and overwhelm Fused Zamasu.
Although fans have not seen Vegito and Broly engage in a duel, it can be assumed that Vegito would be able to deal with Broly without much trouble.
No. 3 Beerus

Main abilities: Beerus’ Counterattack, Beerus’ Judgment
Beerus is the God of Destruction of Universe 7, which should warrant trepidation in anyone who wants to cross him. Additionally, he wields immense powers like Beerus’ Judgment. Even Vegeta and Goku are no match for Beerus’ overwhelming power.
For someone who was able to defeat Goku in his Super Saiyan God form without using his real powers, Beerus poses a threat to Broly. Although it is commonly assumed that Broly is physically stronger than Beerus, Beerus also has tricks up his sleeve, such as Hakai, which can be used to destroy anything with little effort.
3 Characters Who Can’t Win Against Broly
Although Dragon Ball Z boasts some really strong protagonists, many characters wouldn’t stand a chance against Broly. Here are three characters who would most definitely lose against Broly.

Main abilities: Kamehameha, Spirit Bomb
As a Saiyan from Universe 7, Goku possesses tremendous skills and powers. There is also no limit to how strong he can grow through combat. Goku gained the powers of Ultra Instinct during the Tournament of Power and he learned how to use the Ultra Instinct Sign at will during the Mono arc.
Despite Goku’s strength, his chances of defeating Broly are still quite low. Fans believe that Broly is superior to Goku in terms of raw strength, which gives Goku a reason to keep striving for the highest form.

Main abilities: Galick Gun, Big Bang Attack
The Prince of the Saiyans in Universe 7, Vegeta is one of the strongest characters in the series. Although Goku is strong enough to keep Vegeta in second place, Vegeta can hold his own in a fight against Goku. Vegeta was also able to put up a decent fight against Jiren, the strongest mortal.
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Vegeta was also able to overpower Toppo, a God of Destruction candidate in the Tournament of Power. However, Vegeta’s level is currently below that of Broly’s and Vegeta doesn’t stand a chance against Broly in his current state.

Main abilities: Vital Point Attack, Time-Skip
The best assassin of Universe 6, Hit is a powerful fighter who has gone against the likes of Goku and Vegeta on multiple occasions. Similar to them, he is capable of growing stronger as he battles. Additionally, Hit can use his ability to skip time and defeat his enemies.
However, the chances of his Time Skip working on Broly are quite low, given that both Jiren and Goku have demonstrated their ability to overcome Hit’s technique. Since Broly is much stronger than Goku, there is no doubt that Broly can easily break through Hit’s special ability.
You can stream Dragon Ball Z on Crunchyroll and Prime Video.