Secret Invasion, a Marvel television series streaming on Disney+, is based on the Marvel comic book events. In this Skrull-centric show, we watched the shape-shifting aliens sneak into Earth and take the identities of many Marvel superheroes in an effort to take over the entire world. With a startling twist, Don Cheadle’s War Machine takes center stage. The War Machine we’ve known for years turns out to be a Skrull imposter.

Secret Invasion
Secret Invasion

Secret Invasion throws up a whole new set of possibilities for the MCU with the Skrulls’ sneak invasion in full swing. Fans were left wondering exactly when the transformation took place after it was revealed that Don Cheadle’s War Machine had been kidnapped by the shape-shifters. The evidence suggests that the transition happened at the conclusion of Captain America: Civil War, according to director Ali Selim. This means that the impact of the Skrull twist may have ruined some Robert Downey Jr moments in Avengers: Endgame.

Here are the three ruined Robert Downey Jr. moments in Avengers: Endgame after the Secret Invasion twist.

James Rhodey and Tony Stark’s scene’s emotional impact ruined after the Secret Invasion twist

The argument between Chris Evans’ Captain America and Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark is considered one of the most iconic and tense scenes in Avengers: Endgame. After spending three weeks lost in space, Stark returns to Earth and fiercely defends his “suit of armor around the world,” pointing to the Avengers’ prior failures. At the very end of the scene, Rhodey steps in and appears to be trying to assist his friend who was not okay at the time as a longtime friend would. The emotional effect of the situation has been decreased by the recent revelation that this was actually a Skrull version of Don Cheadle’s Rhodey.

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Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark
Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark

The intensity of the emotional tension that had been built up is lowered by the realization that this Skrull version of Rhodey has no meaningful history with Tony Stark.

Rhodey’s final goodbye to Tony stark

One of the most emotional scenes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe was Tony Stark’s sacrifice scene in Avengers: Endgame, which made the audience members weep with sorrow. But now that Skrull Rhodey has been revealed in the Secret Invasion series, this once-touching scene has a completely different meaning. Tony Stark and Rhodey had been friends for more than ten years, so their final goodbye exchange had a lot of emotional weight. However, with Skrull Rhodey included, the sequence loses its impact, leading viewers to doubt the sincerity of their connection.

Tony Stark
Tony Stark

Before Peter Parker and Pepper Potts show up to share their final moments with Tony Stark in Avengers: Endgame, James Rhodey, and Stark enjoy an emotional moment. With no words said, Rhodey just reaches toward his dying friend and gives him a relieved and sorrowful gaze. Previously, viewers viewed this as a heartwarming scene highlighting the strong friendship between the two characters. However, the emotional impact of the sequence is ruined by the Skrull twist.

Tony Stark’s emotional funeral

Tony Stark received an emotional send-off in Avengers: Endgame, complete with a funeral worthy of an Avenger. To bid a fond farewell to the hero who started it all, the scene drew the entire world of MCU superheroes together. Stark’s closest family members, including Pepper Potts, his daughter Morgan Stark, Happy Hogan, and James Rhodey, were present. Rhodey was seen mouthing something to Happy Hogan in the heartbreaking moment, searching for solace in their shared loss.

Read More: MCU Blunders That Ruined Samuel L Jackson’s ‘Secret Invasion’ Despite an Exciting Storyline

Tony Stark's funeral scene
Tony Stark’s funeral scene

The scene perfectly conveyed the pain and devastation felt by all. The discovery of Rhodey’s Skrull twist, however, provided a heartbreaking element to this heartwarming scene because it lessens the impact of Cheadle’s hero’s presence at the funeral because he didn’t actually get to say goodbye to Stark and it also proves that the real Rhodey was still oblivious of his dear friend’s passing.

Read More: Concerning News For Marvel’s Boss Kevin Feige as ‘Secret Invasion’ Finale Breaks an Unwanted Record in MCU

Source: The Direct

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