The Joker doesn’t actually like anyone, and regarding the abilities of a fellow villain is one of only a couple of versions of positive emotions the Joker can have towards somebody. He isn’t one for long-standing kinships nor connections, and his most acclaimed friend’s relationship is nothing less than toxic. The thing we know as a whole and love about Joker is that his craziness is boundless since his inspirations and objectives are difficult to bind. Different villains, with explicit objectives and cutoff points, will, at last, get under the Joker’s skin when their interests no longer align.

Be that as it may, the Joker knows a decent partner when he sees one and has even collaborated with different villains all through his lore. Here are 4 Villains That Joker Hates (And 3 He Gets Along Well With)

Joker’s relationship with Harley Quinn doesn’t say a lot about the Joker’s ability to have a relationship but is one of the best relationships Joker has ever had.

Often known as, “Joker’s Girlfriend,” Harley debuted in Batman: The Animated Series as Joker’s Arkham Asylum doctor. She falls for her patient and then takes on the moniker.

In the Endgame storyline, it’s found that it may be difficult to end the Joker. Dr Paul Dekker, or Crazy Quilt, supported in some evil medicinal methods that concentrated on extraordinary mending and conceivable reviving or rendering individuals immortal. Dekker, and Batman find that Joker’s spinal liquid seems to contain a more grounded substance similar to that of the reviving issue in Lazarus Pits, proposing the Joker could be eternal.

In assaulting Dekker, Batman discovers that Joker is a Dionysian man, everlasting and having existed for a considerable length of time. Dekker infuses himself with Joker’s sample, trusting he had been chosen to go along with him as a Dionysian man, but the arrangement doesn’t work out for Dekker, whose remaining parts are conveyed to pieces.

Carmine Falcone is one of the more striking mafia characters in the Batman comics and speaks to Joker’s connections to the criminal black market. In the events of The Long Halloween, Falcone hatches a requital plot alongside Maroni against Harvey Dent, whom he thinks to be Holiday.

In spite of the fact that Joker is, himself, keen on chasing down Holiday, the two don’t have a common adversary. Becoming The Two-Face after the corrosive assault by Maroni, Dent gathers the villains, including the Joker, who helps Two-Face in finding and ending Falcone.

Another of Joker’s progressively well-known partners is Mad Hatter. They’ve had numerous group ups crosswise over Batman media and one of our top picks is in Arkham Asylum, where the Joker takes advantage of Mad Hatter, who conveys some mysterious, on-mark exchange to help with an arrangement to BRING Batman to the asylum unequivocally.

In Batman: The Animated Series, Mad Hatter helped joker in his assault on the comedians who wronged him.

Hates: HUSH
Hush, a similar character to Bruce Wayne himself, turns out to be a standout amongst the most amazing inhabitants of Gotham. In endeavouring to enrol the worst villains around the local area, Hush closes a few, harms a few, and drives Joker away. In any case, Joker does not go unobtrusively into the great night and comes back to Gotham in Batman: Gotham Knights to catch and kill Hush, introducing a pacemaker to control his heart, and also, his life.

Hush, at last, goes to Batman for help, looking for permission to end the Joker, which he trusts Batman has allowed. In any case, Batman leaves Hush helpless before the Clown Prince, who appears to be entirely irritated by Hush at the point.

In the film, Joker and Scarecrow existed in the same Nolan-stanza but never communicated. Be that as it may, in the comics, the two have collaborated on various events and Scarecrow shows up in the acclaimed villain scene in The Long Halloween.

Their most eminent team-up came in Knightfall. After an encounter, Crane requests a resolution and an association, to which Joker agrees. The two have a generally fruitful escapade, but Crane becomes progressively rankled by Joker’s chaotic ways.

Catwoman’s devotion to nobody makes her more of a trump card than different villains. The thing about her, however, is that her devotion is just to herself, making her not “all bad.”

The Joker has caused more trouble to Catwoman than nearly any other person. In The Dark Knight Returns, he treats her in a manner that makes her tell Batman he is worse than at any other time. In The Long Halloween, Catwoman is one of the proposed partners, but she never takes an interest in Joker’s designs.

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