Carnage could be referred to as the most sadistic villain of the Marvel franchise. He has not only made Spider-Man’s life a nightmare for years but also managed to unleash the Maximum Carnage in the universe. Considering the fact that the process is irreversible, Carnage came back and processed a similar thing with Absolute Carnage as well. Precisely, he could unleash as much Carnage as he wants and in fact, could also take down the targets on another universe.

When Carnage will be arriving in the DC Universe, he might look out for opportunities to break out the Absolute Maximum Carnage. As a result, he’d have to meet with the opposition’s villains as well. With that said, these are DC’s 5 villains Carnage can defeat without breaking a sweat –

Heat Wave

DC’s Heat Wave
DC’s Heat Wave

He is perhaps one of the most dangerous rogues to Barry Allen. That being said, Heat Wave’s heat gun could act as a powerful weapon against the Carnage because his symbiote is quite vulnerable to fire. Moreover, Heat Wave’s gun can apparently increase the temperature of the surrounding area. Thus, the villain is not required to shoot Carnage from any near. However, he has to do it before Carnage gets him because he can strike from a distance as well. And considering the powers and abilities Carnage possesses, Heat Wave should be careful around him.

Solomon Grundy

DC’s Solomon Grundy
DC’s Solomon Grundy

Grundy is another prominent villain of the DC universe who possesses super-strength and abilities. However, his abilities and powers vary due to the incarnation level. With that said, Solomon Grundy is someone who could be reborn again after getting killed. And he could do it as many times as he wants. But he should not come in front of Carnage because he’d be happy to kill Solomon as many times as he could.


DC’s Bane
DC’s Bane

While Carnage rose to prominence with Maximum Carnage, Bane managed to do it during the Knightfall. As a result, the fight between these two is going to last for quite a long. Bane is extremely a strategist. On the other hand, Carnage is maniacal enough to decode any strategy of the opponent. Thus, despite Bane’s strategies and perfect combat skills, he might fail in front of Carnage. Even if Bane uses the Venom drug, Carnage will remain the most powerful one in the room.


DC’s Deathstroke
DC’s Deathstroke

While the DC Universe is filled with quite some strategists, Deathstroke is the most significant one amongst them; perhaps because he could use 90% capacity of his brain. As a result, he unleashes enhanced physical abilities and quite some healing factors as well. But apparently, if Deathstroke undergoes a fight with Carnage, he might fail unless he gets some major up-gradation in his weaponry. Regular guns and swords will always fall short to fight against the Carnage anyway.

The Joker

DC’s Joker
DC’s Joker

While the Joker managed to walk away from Carnage when they first encountered each other, this time he won’t be that lucky at all. Despite Joker’s gag weapons, he will fail to defeat the Carnage because he could rip him off easily like a piece of paper. With that said, insanity might fail to combat the pure insanity.

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