The relationship between the comic world and films is what helps a comic book film become a massive franchise. Between the comics, movies, and TV shows, fans are qualified enough to draw all the connections and align different iterations with their counterparts. However, it is the original source that wins the battle anyway. For example, if a character is extensively popular, the filmmakers would try to extract the characteristics from the comic world and put them in the film. This is because that’s something which actually helped the character gain recognition and love. With that being said, while some films found it difficult to integrate, these 5 DCEU movies did it quite significantly –

The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Even when Bane went quite different than what was portrayed in the comics, he still managed to break Wayne’s back famously and in a very familiar way. In The Dark Knight Rises, after enacting the attack in Gotham city, Bane lured Batman to the underground and defeated him in a handful of fights. While his plan was much different than what we have read in “Knightfall,” fans went quite intrigued to see Batman’s past repeating on screen. With that said, this was perhaps one of the best scenes that was taken directly from the comic book.

Batman V Superman

Batman v Superman (2016)
Batman v Superman (2016)

While Cyborg’s origin is extensively brief in the movie, the creation scene is directly pulled from the comic world. In Batman v Superman, the file discovered by Lex Luthor showed Victor Stone on screen. Apparently, Victor was seemed to be missing most of his body. While the scene continues, we could see the Motherbox getting activated and bonding with Victor’s body that apparently turned him into Cyborg. With that said, this version was in the comics ever since the New 52 launched in the year 2011.


Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)

The 2018 released film, Aquaman, is somewhat based on the “Thrones of Atlantis.” The film was centered on the Aquaman and his half-brother, Ocean Master’s conflict with each other. With that said, it is the end climax of the film that is taken directly out from the comic pages. While not everything happened point-to-point similar as it happened in the books, the mechanical aspect of the movie was definitely something that resembled right with “Thrones of Atlantis.”


Justice League

Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)

The post-credits scene of 2017’s Justice League was perhaps the best portion of the movie. While the viewers didn’t get to see who wins, this was not the first time when Barry Allen and the Man of Steel were racing one another. Moreover, the DC comics have various pages where the Flash and Superman raced against each other. Even if both the superheroes had a tie, it was the Flash who got referred to as the Fastest Man Alive in The Flash: Rebirth. While it is quite unclear who’ll win the race, this scene from the Justice League travelled straight from the DC comic books.

Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

Not every DC fan loved Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Yet, we cannot deny the fact that it had some really intriguing scenes that leveled up the comic adaptation. In fact, some of its scenes were ripped straight off from every other Batman comics ever. With that said, towards the end of the film, Wayne assembles an armor suit to take down the Man of Steel. While of course, its appearance looks exactly the same that appeared in the comic books, there was something else that was common. When he was dragging Superman with his grapnel gun, Batman echoed a dialogue that was exactly (word-to-word) the same as written on the pages of the DC comics.

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