5 Marvel Holiday Comics To Read This Christmas
Christmas is a joyful time of year, but all of that family togetherness can be exhausting at times. It’s the ideal time to snuggle up with some fantastic comic books and enjoy the days off from work. With the stress of shopping and cooking, comic books might be just what the doctor ordered, and Marvel has some wonderful stories out there that can help one decompress.
Marvel offers comics to fill those long winter nights with excitement and enjoyment, whether it’s a fresh new comic or anything from their extensive back catalog. There’s never been a better time to go through some of Marvel’s finest holiday comics than now, with Hawkeye bringing some Christmas enchantment to the MCU.
- The Jade Giant’s New Era Begins With Hulk #1

Following the popularity of The Immortal Hulk, Marvel enlisted legendary creators Donny Cates and Ryan Ottley to start a new Hulk title. Hulk #1 was released on November 24, but it is already a major hit, with fans adoring this unique take on the Hulk. Ottley’s years of crafting incredible superhero slugfests on Invincible make him the right artist for a Hulk book, and Cates has demonstrated how wonderful he is with Marvel’s heroes.
Following on from the more horror-oriented approach of its predecessor, Cates appears to be returning the Hulk to his beginnings as the monster that just wants to get away, and Ottley’s art is out of this world. It’s best to get in on the ground floor with this one.
2. Avengers Forever #1 Explores The Avengers From Various Perspectives

Marvel’s universe isn’t as evolved as its illustrious rivals’, but that doesn’t mean it’s without worth. Avengers Forever #1, written by Jason Aaron and illustrated by Aaron Kuder, brings together a squad of Avengers from throughout the multiverse to take on the Masters of Evil, a gang of Avengers opponents from other realities who have banded together to conquer all. Avengers Forever #1 will be released on December 22nd, just in time to help you beat the Christmas blues with a story about the Avengers of multiple realities banding together against the most fearsome villains in creation.
3. The Original Avengers Forever Is The Best Kang Story Ever Told

Kang has become a huge thing again since his MCU debut, with fans looking for the finest Kang stories. They only need to look at Avengers Forever, written by Kurt Busiek and Roger Stern, and illustrated by Carlos Pacheco. The comic has Kang and his future self Immortus as part of a team of Avengers from throughout time attempting to prevent the end of all things. Avengers Forever is required reading for any Avengers fan, and it contains the finest Kang story of all time. The book also includes an excellent history lesson on the Avengers, which will help any fan understand and appreciate Earth’s Mightiest Heroes even more.
4. Squadron Supreme Is Among Marvel’s Finest Works.

When it comes to genre-defining stories, Marvel just cannot compete with DC. Squadron Supreme, by writer Mark Gruenwald and illustrators Bob Hall, Ron Frenz, and John Buscema, is one that can compete with the best. The Squadron Supreme was initially intended to be a Justice League equivalent from another dimension for the Avengers to take on, but this narrative elevates them to new heights.
Squadron Supreme, which was published in 1984, deals with mature issues that had previously gone unnoticed and sees the crew take over their globe in order to construct the perfect society. This twelve-issue series is a must-read for any comic book enthusiast.
5. The X-Men Series High Point Is Inferno #3

Jonathan Hickman launched the X-comeback Men’s with House Of X/Powers Of X, and he’s going with a bang. So far, Inferno has been Marvel’s greatest offering, and the third issue, with art by R.B. Silva, will be released on December 8th. As things heat up on Krakoa, Nimrod strikes, putting mutantkind in jeopardy.
Hickman is the finest thing to happen to the X-Men in years, and Inferno is his farewell to the franchise. Nothing Marvel is putting out can match, and the X-Men franchise will be a sadder place without him. However, Inferno is fantastic, and the third issue promises to be even better.