5 Movies That Deserves a Sequel
In an era when all successful entertainment products appear to be targeted as possible franchises via spinoffs, sequels, prequels, reboots, and so on, not all films receive a sequel, even if they merit one.
We’ve compiled a list of films that we at Animated Times would love to see have a sequel, many of which were successful and appear to be constructed with sequels in mind. Many of them might get a sequel if the studio gives the go-ahead.
5. Hancock
Will Smith portrayed another problematic superhero before taking on the role of Deadshot in Suicide Squad, a vigilante who drank heavily and didn’t care about (expensive) collateral damage. Long before DC and Marvel explored the same themes in their movie worlds, he learns his true calling and destiny and becomes the savior his city requires.
Even as an original IP, Hancock grossed a whopping $624 million at the movie office, and it’s surprising that a sequel wasn’t created sooner. According to Berg, Smith had a concept for a sequel in 2012, and while the filmmaker was convinced it would happen, it still hasn’t. If Smith isn’t too busy playing Deadshot and vying for additional Oscars in the future.
4. Inception

Outside of his Batman films, Christopher Nolan hasn’t worked on any prequels/sequels, but we’d like to see him return to Inception. After all, the creative filmmaker has spoken extensively about creating an Inception video game, but there has been little progress on that front.
Rather, we’d want to see another tale that incorporates the themes and visual aspects of Inception. The film grossed an astonishing $825,532,764 before adding 3D, making it a super-lucrative property with great franchise potential, but we want to see it done well, with Nolan in command. And the cast has already agreed to return for sequels…
3. Pacific Rim
Guillermo del Toro’s monsters vs. machines epic appeared destined for a sequel, but the newest revelation that Pacific Rim: Maelstrom is “off the table indefinitely” as Legendary continues to build a Godzilla-King Kong shared universe wasn’t encouraging.
Del Toro, on the other hand, has promised that Pacific Rim 2 would not be shelved, and Legendary was just bought for $3.5 billion by a Chinese corporation, which also happens to be where Pacific Rim made the most money at the box office. Pacific Rim deserves a sequel, and we believe it will receive one.
2. Real Steel

Real Steel seemed dubious on paper, but the near-future boxing drama involving enormous robots turned out to be a lovely smash with which we fell in love.
The film, featuring Hugh Jackman as a retired boxer who now coaches a young boy and his underdog robot, grossed over $300 million worldwide and appeared to be the start of a series. With Jackman’s career as X-Wolverine Men’s coming to a close, this may be a franchise he can return to.
1. Wanted

Following the commercial success of the first film, an adaptation of Mark Millar and J. McAvoy was slated to return and co-star with a new “cool” character (since Jolie elected not to return) in G. Jones’ comic series of the same name as of 2011, but nothing came of this.
The distinct assassin-focused action thriller is still ripe for a sequel, especially if it adopts a completely new tale centered on McAvoy, who has received far more acclaim for his role as Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men franchise.