Marvel and Disney+’s Hawkeye have apparently stirred up multiple debates regarding the show’s authentication on the internet. Now, if there is one thing that helps Hawkeye stand different from other MCU shows this year is the portrayal of Clint Barton and his experiences so far. However, this aspect didn’t sit well with some of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s fans and they started debating that Marvel’s Hawkeye is the most underwhelming show ever made by the franchise. These are the top 5 reasons that support this notion –

Maya Is A Pathetic Character

Maya, AKA Echo in Marvel’s Hawkeye
Maya, AKA Echo in Marvel’s Hawkeye

Marvel comic fans were quite thrilled to finally see Echo in the MCU; maybe because of the fact that Maya got a heartbreaking and intriguing backstory associated with her. However, some fans will agree on this that the show didn’t execute her character’s portrayal sufficiently. In fact, the character entirely deflated the parts where she appeared on the screen. While she has been rigid and stiff throughout the show, Maya also lacked emotions.

Superheroes Are Supposed To Have Superpowers

Clint Barton and Kate Bishop in Marvel’s Hawkeye
Clint Barton and Kate Bishop in Marvel’s Hawkeye

Marvel and Disney+’s Hawkeye have redefined the definition of being a superhero. The show depicted that to become a superhero; one doesn’t need to have superpowers like shooting laser beams from the eyes. However, this aspect of the series became too lame for some Marvel fans because how come a superhero doesn’t have any superpowers? In fact, without superpowers like auto-healing, Hawkeye could die a regular human death.

Fans Found Hawkeye The Worst MCU Show Ever

Clint Barton in Hawkeye
Clint Barton in Hawkeye

Before its release, Marvel and Disney+’s Hawkeye was considered to become the best MCU show ever made this year. However, now that the show is live, fans are not really happy with its outcome. While fans were quite intrigued to see Jeremy Renner playing Clint Barton throughout the show, other characters are found to be popping too often than they should. However, some fans are fine with it because they believe that the makers are trying to echo loud Clint’s relationship with Yelena and Kate. But at the same time, it failed to land the expectations of most of its fans.

Hawkeye Feels Rushed

Kate Bishop in Marvel’s Hawkeye
Kate Bishop in Marvel’s Hawkeye

The Marvel Cinematic Universe somehow managed to maintain its standard in pretty much all of its properties. However, when it came to the Disney+ show Hawkeye, the CGI and the plot appeared to be somewhat rushing with poor audio mixing. For example, the wine cellar fight sequel was disastrously edited and perhaps that is why many fans found themselves completely turned off of the action.

The Show Failed To Understand Why The Comic Version Was Great

Marvel’s Hawkeye is now streaming on Disney+
Marvel’s Hawkeye is now streaming on Disney+

Last but not least, the Marvel and Disney+ show is an adaptation of the comic version of the name. With that being said, the comic version of Hawkeye was written by Matt Fraction and was designed by David Aja. While the comic focused on Hawkeye’s life and his trauma more, the Disney+ show isn’t about humanity at all. In fact, in the Marvel and Disney+ show, Clint Barton got no empathy at all for anybody else but his family. In short, the show became quite underwhelming because it lacked what the comic version of Hawkeye was great for, emotions and empathy.

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