Ever since news broke out about the X-Men joining up with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, comic book fans have been speculating over how the mutants will be adapted for their new cinematic home. One of the most popular X-Men, Magneto, has a long history in comics and is already tied up with many different characters in the MCU canon. To properly bring him into the MCU and fill fans with total shock at his true identity, some changes will need to take place for it all to make sense and feel logical. That being said, these are the 5 reasons why the MCU should change Magneto’s origin story primarily –

To Update The Character As Per The MCU

Magneto in the comic world
Magneto in the comic world

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has done an excellent job in keeping things fresh despite using decades-old comic characters. So it shouldn’t be so difficult to introduce a similar version of Magneto, especially when you consider how well he was portrayed by Sir Ian McKellen in X-Men: The Last Stand. Namely, his history is intricately woven into the original comic books and films outside of the MCU film series.

Related: Actors Who Could Play Magneto In MCU

Fans Deserve To See Fresh Team Building

Magneto in the comic world
Magneto in the comic world

Introducing Magneto as a young adult would allow him the opportunity to build his team of X-Men from scratch. This would set up the possibility for some key differences between Fox’s interpretations and how the Marvel Cinematic Universe might tackle them. Instead of introducing a handful of mutants just to have them die, the MCU could subtly introduce tertiary mutants and have them flourish down the line.

It Will Give The Character Longevity

Magneto in the comic world
Magneto in the comic world

Bringing in Magneto from scratch will allow him to become a big-time player in the MCU. In fact, his conception is yet another way the MCU is training people for the Young Avengers. Starting with Magneto as a young adult could also ensure his longevity in the MCU because it means he could be toyed with by future creators if they wished to do so.

Related: Is Magneto Worthy Enough to Lift Thor’s Mjolnir?

It Will Help In Better Story Building

Magneto in the comic world
Magneto in the comic world

Changing Magneto’s origin story from the comics could be beneficial to fans. It’d be similar to watching a prequel. Marvel has such an excellent opportunity to create the character entirely and allow his arc to develop over several projects. It will culminate in great payoffs for those who are invested – just like with any good prequel.

Start Fresh And End With A Cross-Over Event

Magneto in the comic world
Magneto in the comic world

Restarting Magneto’s origin might be an interesting way to go as far as extending the X-Men universe. It might look like a bit of a stretch. But introducing viewers to this origin could allow them to learn more about the X-Men universe. It will also show people why the mutants are here on their own. This would make it all the easier to work Magneto into a larger cross-over event with the Avengers if Marvel plans to move forward with one.

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