Family Guy, created by Seth MacFarlane, has established itself as one of the finest animated comedies of all time. There are just The Simpsons, South Park, and Family Guy at this point: the other cartoons are on a separate level. Family Guy has produced 15 seasons over the course of 18 years, and each new episode continues to outperform the one before it. Cartoons are no longer just for kids to watch on Saturday mornings. They’re now a late-night must-see for the skeptical adolescent.

It’s difficult to overestimate Family Guy’s influence on pop culture. Actors and directors have become such admirers of the show that they are willing to be the punchline of jokes.

The show has included actors such as James Woods and Ryan Reynolds. Even George Lucas, who is typically skeptical of parody material, agreed to let MacFarlane utilize prominent Star Wars characters in a spoof episode because he enjoys the program.

There are a lot of details that fly under the radar with a program like this that has been running for a long time. Here are 5 Facts About Family Guy That You Should Know.

Peter’s Origin Story

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Peter Griffin, the main character of Family Guy and patriarch of the Griffin household, was born into a poor family. While the persona is modeled on the hilarious incompetence of previous sitcom fathers, the voice was inspired by Seth MacFarlane’s own experiences.

Peter’s voice is based on a security guard who worked at MacFarlane’s college. MacFarlane and his friends would make fun of his voice since it was difficult to take him seriously with such a voice. In interviews, MacFarlane stated that the man had a loud and humorous Rhode Island accent. That dialect was quite distinctive, and it would not be presented to the public until Family Guy became a part of the mainstream comedic culture.

This voice has become legendary, and MacFarlane owes it to the security guard. Without his weird voice, the world may never have met Peter Griffin, the charming moron.

What The Hell?

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One of Family Guy’s more underappreciated recurring gags is that someone shouts some variation of “What the hell?” in every episode. Many episodic series, such as Family Guy, employ running gags as a tiny incentive for viewers who tune in every week. Normally, it’s something apparent, like Peter fighting the enormous chicken or Kenny dying in every episode of South Park, but even the most devoted Family Guy viewer will miss this recurring sentence.

It’s a subtle, small dig that the authors have continued to press, and it flies over many in the audience’s heads. When it is brought to your attention, you begin to notice all of the quotes and feel as if you are part of an inside joke. It doesn’t have to be a sophisticated, secondary narrative, as the Rick and Morty authors are believed to be plotting; it might be as basic as a PG-rated swear word.

Classic Meg

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Meg is one of, if not the only, Family Guy characters whose voice actor changes throughout the series. Lacey Chabert, best known for her portrayal as Gretchen Wieners in Mean Girls, provided the original voice of Meg. She portrayed Meg in the first season of the program, but there are so many more episodes with her successor, Mila Kunis, that many people don’t remember she was even on the show.

Chabert’s exit was unsurprising, as she apparently never meant to continue with the program to the conclusion, and was replaced by Kunis when her contract expired. After her departure, Chabert made a few additional appearances and allusions on the show, including voicing a line as Meg in the episode “Yug Ylimaf,” in which Brian and Stewie go back in time. In “Business Guy,” Peter threatens to replace Lois and mentions Chabert by name.

Dual Episodes

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Many Family Guy fans only watch the episodes that are broadcast on television. If this is the case, you are losing out on some of the humor that the writers originally intended to write. Of fact, many shows leave a lot of stuff on the cutting room floor. There are censors to consider, as well as time limits, but Family Guy keeps the extra content and publishes the unedited episodes on DVD. Some of the jokes are mild, while others have no chance of ever being broadcast on television.

Season 6’s “Movin’ Out” episode had an especially crass joke. After the TV segment concludes, a banner promoting The Simpsons appears at the bottom. Quagmire may be seen in the banner pressing himself on Marge Simpson while she resists. The two go off-screen and then return, discussing their recent intercourse. The picture then shifts to a sight of the Simpsons’ home, where Quagmire and Marge can be heard playing another game. When Homer goes in and finds them, Quagmire decides to kill the entire family, including Maggie. It’s easy to understand why this didn’t make it into Fox, the network that airs both series.

Classic Lois

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Several series and episodes before the formation of the Family Guy we know and love today. Voice actors, animation, and themes have all evolved throughout the years. The fact that Lois was actually a blonde in the premiere episode is a minor detail that many fans overlook.

Lois is most recognized for her trademark red hair, although the original Lois was a blonde. Fox approved the pilot, and Seth MacFarlane, the show’s creator, produced the episode with the $50,000 budget he was given.

Lois’ hair color appears to have changed for no apparent cause. It might be to make her character stand out more, but after years of seeing a redhead, a blonde Lois is a fairly stunning sight.

In a season 11 episode, Lois transforms into a blonde in order to catch Peter sleeping with a phone sex operator (who was actually Lois). The fact that Peter can’t identify his wife, who was originally blonde, when she’s wearing a blonde wig tells much about his IQ.

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