As seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Loki is most commonly depicted as a Norse God of mischief and lies. Most fans are generally very positive about the character and his various portrayals. But it doesn’t mean that the franchise has portrayed the character at its best. Whether criticism comes from ignorance or just to be contrary, fans and critics do not shy away from echoing loud their unsavory views.

With that being said, these are the 5 ways in which the MCU ruined the God of Mischief, aka Loki –

Loki Is Less Interesting Than Ultron

Ultron in Avengers: Age of Ultron
Ultron in Avengers: Age of Ultron

While Avengers: Age of Ultron was not nearly as high-quality as its prequel, it still did well in terms of memorable scenes and strong character development. One scene in particular that fans seem to recall with a special fondness is the final battle. While fans believed Ultron to be the superior, MCU made a grave error in misrepresenting Loki’s motives and characterization. If the franchise took a more charitable stance on Loki, they wouldn’t have ended up excluding so others who felt otherwise about him.

MCU Made Loki Let Thanos Win

Tom Hiddleston as Loki
Tom Hiddleston as Loki

While most of the fandom agrees that Star-Lord might not have been directly responsible for the events of Avengers: Infinity War, fans do not agree at all. If Loki had left the Tesseract on Asgard when it was destroyed, Thanos would have never obtained the Space Stone. Therefore he would not be able to compete with or defeat the Avengers. However, even with this in mind, Thanos has several moments in “Infinity War” where he uses the Time Stone to collect these Infinity Stones.

MCU Revived Him Post His Demise

Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Infinity War

Plenty of Loki fans was heartbroken by the trickster’s impending fate in Avengers: Infinity War. Even before the film’s release, fans were getting sick of Loki having been brought back to life time and time again. They reasoned that they “shouldn’t have to feel empathetic” for an impostor when Marvel’s done this far too many times, especially following such a solemn turn like his death in Infinity War.

The Character Is Not Intimidating

The Avengers
The Avengers

The Marvel Cinematic Universe failed to catalyze the essential point that Loki is not meant to make you feel physically intimidated. He’s meant to inspire other feelings, such as paranoia and distrust. Apt comparisons can be made between Loki and his brother Thor, as they are both sons of Odin. However, while Thor represents archetypal masculinity and strength, Loki represents the more feminine traits of betrayal and cunning. As someone who wishes us ill on humanity, he’s constantly using his sharp tongue for ill means. Moreover, Loki also has a penchant for black magic – something that would make anyone uneasy.

Loki’s Influence Ruined Others

Loki in Marvel Cinematic Universe
Loki in Marvel Cinematic Universe

MCU has made its fans believe that every single villain who has a sympathetic backstory has drawn inspiration from Loki’s story. It may be true that many characters since his debut have been presented similarly. However, Loki is solely responsible for the newfound popularity of villains with an understandable background. This led the protagonists along with a dramatic series of events resulting in him/her becoming good again.

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