There have been rumors surrounding the Marvel Cinematic Universe and its upcoming film Deadpool 3, that Ryan Reynolds’ film will likely involve some of the most iconic X-Men mutants.

X-Men characters

The film will also feature Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine alongside Reynolds’ Deadpool. The X-Men mutants entering the MCU have been in talks since 2021 when Kevin Feige shared his interest in X-Men projects. And Deadpool 3 could be the perfect movie to bring notable mutants, who could team up in an X-Men crossover event.

5 X-Men Mutants That Might Appear in The Upcoming Deadpool 3

Deadpool 3 movie
Deadpool 3

Anticipation for Deadpool 3 is incredibly high among the fans, and rumor surrounding the involvement of X-Men mutants entering the Marvel Cinematic Universe has intensified their expectations for the Ryan Reynolds movie.

There are multiple rumors that not only the mutants will appear in Deadpool 3, but they are set for a bigger picture and might even steal the spotlight of the Avnegers by forming a whole new team. So here are the X-Men who are likely to appear in Reynold’s epic film

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1. Professor X

Professor X
Charles Xavier


Professor X or Charles Xavier has been linked with the upcoming movie several times, and being the man behind the team’s name, it’s safe to say that Professor X is one of the most significant characters. Patrick Stewart, who previously played the character, reprised his role and played a variant version of  Professor X in MCU’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

There have been multiple fan theories surrounding Professor X entering the MCU, and the latest rumor suggests that Deadpool 3 will feature mutants from X2 and X-Men: First Class, which implies that there’s a chance for Professor to make his way. And not to forget he has incredible telepathic abilities, and if Marvel desires to introduce a younger version, James McAvoy could reprise his role.

2. Colossus

X-men Colossus

Another notable character that might make his way to Deadpool 3 is Colossus. Multiple reports are claiming that actor Stefan Kapičić will come back as Colussus, whose real name is Piotr Rasputin. Kapičić has been part of the previous Deadpool movies, which makes it easier for him to appear as a mutant. This X-Me character holds remarkable powers and can even transform his entire body into organic steel, which makes Colussus distinct from every X-Men in the universe.

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3. Jean Grey

X-Men Jean Grey
Jean Grey

Jean Grey isn’t just rumored to paper in Hugh Jackman’s movie but is also a fan favorite X-Men character. Fans have been demanding to witness the stunning powers and abilities of Jean Grey in Deadpool 3 since the news of X-Men debiting in the MCU came out. Famke Janssen, who played the role of Jean, talked about reprising her role in an interview with CinePOP (via CBR) and said:

“I love Jean Grey, and the Phoenix, very much. So much. Who knows? In that universe, anyone — multiverses, whatever — can happen.”

Her connection and romance with Wolverine could give Jean Grey a solid base to enter into the MCU. And if the character appears as a mutant, fans would love to witness Janssen reprising her role.

4. Storm

X-men Storm

When it comes to one of the most popular heroes in the X-Men universe, Storm stands out. The character has been played by acclaimed star Halle Berry, who has landed quite a notable role in the entertainment world. There were speculations that Berry might have already filmed her part for this weather-manipulating mutant.

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5. Magneto

X-Men Magneto

One of the most iconic villains played by talented actor Ian McKellan, Magneto is another strong contender rumored to be appearing in Deadpool 3. Fans have been active on social media, demanding to watch Magneto and Professor X sharing screens. And to make this happen, Reynolds’ movie could play a vital role, considering that it’s the latest upcoming movie featuring the X-Men. If Marvel is planning to introduce a younger version of Magneto, Michael Fassbender could reprise his role.

Deadpool 3 releases in theaters on July 26, 2024.

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