Recently, former Disney Park employees opened up about the wildest stories and secrets from their job. Here are 6 of the most eye-opening statements revealed by the ex-Disney Park employees –

We Used Code Words For Cleanups


This is what a custodian from Epcot 2007 revealed:

I worked as a custodian at Epcot in 2007 and we had to use code words over our radios for certain types of cleanups (so that we wouldn’t gross out any guests who might overhear). For example, if someone threw up in the park, we called that a ‘protein spill.”

The Bread-Flavored Air


This is what an ex-employee from the planning and architecture department revealed:

They pump bread-flavored air out of hollow rocks on the food-adjacent roads to encourage eating. It’s not the baking that smells that good.”

Being In Those Costumes Were Risky


This is what an ex-employee’s brother revealed:

My brother dressed up as Tigger, Goofy, etc. in the early ’90s. He said it was as hot as you could imagine, and people even threw up in the costumes. He had an accident while dressed up as Little John in a parade. There was a new float driver who swerved too close to him while crossing over a bridge. The float knocked him down and ran over his feet. His costume and work boots inside the costume saved his feet, but he still needed extensive physical therapy, which Disney paid for. On top of all of that, he had been chosen to play Prince Charming in Tokyo, but he couldn’t go due to his accident. He doesn’t hold any ill will toward Disney, but cast members, especially characters, are definitely prone to injuries.”

Customer Left His Wife Crying


This is what an ex-employee from the kitchen area revealed:

I was working in the kitchen at the restaurant inside of Cinderella’s castle when a family of four came in for dinner. About halfway through the dinner, the husband politely stood up and tapped his glass for attention. He announced that his wife of 15 years had been cheating on him for over a year. The entire place stood still in shock. He motioned for his kids, paid the waitress, and left the wife crying at the table.”

The Training Period


This is what an ex-employee revealed about Disney’s training and orientation for its employees:

I’ve never been as well-trained for a job as I was at Walt Disney World. On day one, we all went to Disney University for general orientation. Day two was another day at Disney University that was just on how to be a custodian (my position there). Day three was all about Epcot itself, which included fun facts, a tour, and getting on rides. After that, I shadowed for about two weeks before being allowed to work on my own during a shift.”

The Haunted Mansion


This is what the overnight cast member revealed:

Overnight cast member here. Please, PLEASE, leave your cremated loved ones at home. Stop dumping them in the Haunted Mansion. They just get vacuumed up and disposed of.”

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