There will be too much to worry about if the X-Men characters ever started possessing the magical powers from Harry Potter. And, what if they take admission to Hogwarts? Which Hogwarts House they would be sorted into? With that said, the Hogwarts housing system is based on personality traits. While Hufflepuff values loyalty, patience, justice, and hard work, Gryffindor values chivalry, nerve, bravery, and courage. Similarly, while Slytherin values ambition, cunning, leadership, and resourcefulness, Ravenclaw values wit, wisdom, learning, and intelligence.

Sorting 6 X-Men characters into Hogwarts Houses as per their personality traits –


Wolverine first appeared in The Incredible Hulk-181 (1974)
Wolverine first appeared in The Incredible Hulk-181 (1974)

While Wolverine has some serious Slytherin traits, he also possesses personality traits that fit right with Gryffindor. It does include things such as his unabashed attitude towards rules, complete fearlessness, and aggression.  As a result, the Sorting Hat might align all of his traits with the traits that a Gryffindor member reflects; chivalry, nerve, bravery, and courage.

Jean Grey

Jean Grey debuted in September 1963
Jean Grey debuted in September 1963

Whether in terms of telepathy or telekinesis, Jean has always utilized her mind to the fullest. The character, however, also depicts a sense of rush on occasion and as a result, she ends up making some really quick decisions. This makes Jean Grey a right fit for Hogwarts’ Ravenclaw House. Since Ravenclaw values wit, wisdom, learning, and intelligence, the Sorting Hat will definitely put Grey in this exact house due to her similar personality traits.


Gambit first appeared in the Uncanny X-Men Annual #14 (1990)
Gambit first appeared in the Uncanny X-Men Annual #14 (1990)

This character loves to take gambits on things that might somehow benefit him. He is quite reckless as well and sometimes this is the only thing that gets calculated not as an act of bravery but self-serving risks. That is why the Sorting Hat might put Gambit in the Slytherin house.


Created by Len Wein Dave Cockrum, Storm debuted in 1975
Created by Len Wein Dave Cockrum, Storm debuted in 1975

The storm has quite some versions of herself in the universe and all of them will either get sorted to Slytherin or Gryffindor. It is because of her powers and abilities that she won’t get sorted into any other house but these two. Because these houses values chivalry, nerve, bravery, courage, ambition, cunning, leadership, and resourcefulness, each and every single version of Storm will fit rightly into them. However, Storm’s loyalty to the X-Men also makes her somewhat a right fit for the Hufflepuff house.


Iceman debuted in X-Men #1 (1963)
Iceman debuted in X-Men #1 (1963)

This character is quite more accepting and patient than all other X-Men. In fact, when Loki messed up with his powers, Bobby was patient and was just ensuring that no one gets hurt. Very recently, it got revealed that he is one of the few gays of the X-Men franchise. Undoubtedly, his second mutation will make him get sorted into the Slytherin house but primarily, the Sorting Hat will make him get positioned as a Hufflepuff member only.


First appeared in The Uncanny X-Men #244 (1989)
First appeared in The Uncanny X-Men #244 (1989)

Jumbilee has had some impulsive and wild moments during her journey. Probably that is why the incarnation of this character is inclined more towards the traits that Gryffindor’s house values. It does include personality traits such as reflects; chivalry, nerve, bravery, and courage.

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