In the entertainment business, the MCU stands out as a series that is concise and coherent in uniting a single story. Both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame accomplished the impossible by continuing the story of the countless characters that have come to characterize the MCU. It accomplished so while also providing a dramatic ending that pays respect to the creators of this cinematic world.

With the conclusion of the Infinity Saga, Marvel Studios looks ahead to an even more ambitious future by extending their universe with the multiverse and a new media platform: Disney+. As Marvel enters Phase Four with Disney+ miniseries, they create a trail of inconsistencies and story flaws that confuse even the most loyal fans.

Why Would the U.S. Government Pardon Bucky So Easily?

Bucky Barnes is an enigmatic terror when he first appears in Captain America: The Winter Soldier as the brainwashed super-soldier. Natasha Romanoff expands on his lethal credentials, alleging that he’s been linked to a slew of killings over the previous half-century, culminating in the death of Tony’s parents.

While the climax of Captain America: Civil War proves Bucky’s innocence in the United Nations bombing in Vienna, it’s nonetheless startling to see the United States pardon the former assassin for the high-profile killings he’s done. While Steve may have had a role in Bucky’s pardon, the star-spangled figure vanishes shortly before The Falcon and The Winter Soldier begins, casting doubt on that theory.

Where Is Doctor Strange During The Events Of WandaVision?

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As WandaVision continued, fans devised a slew of hypotheses, from Mephisto being the true villain to Peter Evans’ “Pietro” canonizing the X-Men in the MCU. The supposed presence of Doctor Strange, on the other hand, was one among the more plausible theories.

It stands to reason that the Sorcerer Supreme would look into the Westview anomaly. Scarlet Witch’s magic, according to Agatha, surpasses that of Strange himself, and the Hex is the most powerful spell she’s ever performed. In the absence of real-world impediments to Strange’s inclusion, the program could’ve included a cameo in which Strange apologizes for the mess Wanda caused.

Loki Goes From Villain To Antihero In a Single Episode. What Even?

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The events of Loki startup with a narrative thread from Avengers: Endgame—the God of Mischief flees with the Tesseract after the events of the Battle of New York in 2012. At this moment in history, Loki is still a villain, lacking the crucial character adjustments that lead to his ultimate sacrifice in Avengers: Infinity War.

One of Loki’s early blunders is hastening Laufeyson’s journey from villain to antihero by giving him a video of how his life is “ought” to play out. It’s difficult to think Loki’s brief time with the TVA correlates to the years of character development Loki experienced in the main MCU, and even more difficult to believe he would choose the “noble” route.

Why Wasn’t Heimdall in Loki, If He Can See Across Nine Realms, Why Didn’t He Spot Them Before?

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With all of the time-traveling hijinks going on in Loki, it’s odd that the protector of the Bifrost, Heimdall, didn’t make a cameo. Heimdall, the Asgardian who sees and hears everything, has the power to see throughout the Nine Realms. While he can’t keep an eye on everything at once, he’s guaranteed to notice someone as bothersome as Loki.

Although Heimdall meets his end in Avengers: Infinity War, the Loki series has the main protagonist journey back in time to Pompeii in 79 AD and Oshkosh, Wisconsin in 1985. These should’ve been opportune times for Asgard’s Gatekeeper to raise his eyebrows in suspicion.

Loki & Sylvie Create A Nexus Event In The Lamentis-1 Apocalypse

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Loki and Mobius learn that the Loki version they’re looking for is hiding among apocalypses to avoid being tracked by the TVA while investigating the events of Ragnarok that devastated Asgard. Loki and Sylvie wind themselves on the planet Lamentis-1 after a brief encounter with the Goddess of Mischief, which the latter beliefs are the worst of all apocalypses.

With no other option, Loki and Sylvie attempt and fail to escape via the Ark. However, when the moon approaches the planet, the two variations generate a Nexus event, allowing the TVA to locate their location. But how might Loki and Sylvie drastically alter the path of history with just seconds to live?

Sylvie’s Acts At The End Of Time Affecting The Sacred Timeline

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Sylvie’s actions at the end of Loki’s first season are devastating for the MCU, revealing the multiverse’s possibilities. Unfortunately, it’s unclear why her activities are creating this. The fortress in which Loki and Sylvie find themselves at the end of the episode is intended to be at the end of time—conceptually, “nothing” happens after this moment.

Sylvie, on the other hand, chooses to murder the citadel’s host, He Who Remains, who believes that murdering him will result in another multiversal conflict. But what actually prevents the TVA from working if He Who Remains is no longer present? Why is the Sacred Timeline, which happens before the end of time, branching dependent on future events?

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