“It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.” – Batman.

Thanks to this COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people around the globe are spending more and more time and their homes than they used to for their own safety. People have been self-quarantined to make a positive effort to slow the spread of coronavirus. But there are some like Doctors, Police-Men and many more that must go out or happen to be in places have strict orders to practice social distancing. Day by Day as this outbreak is spreading the actual act of staying home is becoming a lot harder. But we all should stay at our homes and practice social distancing for our own good. It’s been a bumpy ride since the pandemic outbreak has occurred and people have been quarantined in their homes, where boredom is striking them day by day. We all have read our favourite books, completed different Netflix Series and what not but our boredom was not leaving us alone till now. Fortunately, we all have social media to help us divert our minds off these things and let us enjoy other stuffs. Like these 8 Hilarious Batman memes getting people during social distancing.

1 It’s About Alfred!!!



2 The Mask Of Safety:



3 Cough like Batman…

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4 Bruce Wayne The King Of Social Distancing :

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5 Be Like Bane:

bane batman visionary corona virus meme


6 Practicing Social Distancing ft. Superman & Batman….



7 Even Batman is Social Distancing:

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8 Now that’s a safe distance…



Source: Nicole Drum


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