Almost every superhero is associated with justice, crimefighting and protecting the world, but they all are inspirational too- both in real and inspirational worlds.

A Marvel got inspired by Spider-Man and it changed his life for good, by getting him in shape just in time to dress up as Spider-Man for Halloween. Reddit user “UrFriendlySpider-Man” recently posted a photo collage showing his impressive fitness transformation.

Spider-Man has always been my favorite Hero, and last year I decided I wanted to wear a suit for Halloween. But I refused to be The Amazing Spider-Mush, so I made it my New Years resolution to get in shape and I think I’ve done it! Thank you Stan Lee and Steve Ditko for such an inspiring character! from r/Marvel

He went from “Spider-Mush” to Spider-Man over the course of one year. He went from “looking like Otto to Peter Parker without stealing someone’s body”. While he noted that he didn’t have enough arms to be Superior Spider-Man, he revealed that he’s not done with the costume as more pictures were coming thanks to the 3D printer tech.

The user is using his transformation and using it to inspire others. He has received multiple messages from other Reddit users asking him how he pulled it off. “UrFriendlySpider-Man” even took time to explain to others how to go about it.

Even actor Tom Holland had to do things a bit differently to suit up as Spider-Man in Far From Home. As revealed by Holland on his Instagram feed, he used a dehydration technique to help him look better in the suit.

“Trying this new dehydration thing…it’s not going all that well,” Holland wrote. “Today was day two and it will be my last day on this dehydration adventure. I thought I might add… this is really bad for you so don’t try it at home, haha.”

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