Each one of us loves the quirkiness and beauty of nature, but rare are those who get inspired by the same. One of such extraordinary people is Alison Brynn Ross. An artist who knows how to get just the right bend and give out an image that speaks a thousand words; to give names to dead wires.

About Alison Brynn Ross

Alison Brynn's Passion is Creative Problem Solving.
Alison Brynn’s Passion is Creative Problem Solving.

Her adventure began in 2014. Since 2014, Alison has been able to help her clients in bringing their visions to reality. She does everything, from logo design and branding to chalkboard lettering and interactive murals. Alison takes pride in her amazing ability to creatively develop solutions that allow her clients to matching their aesthetics to their concepts and visions. She does this by laying a background in graphic design and with the help of her love for continuous creative learning. Alison works with small and comprehensive businesses, and this makes her job incredibly satisfying for her. The Artist helps in ensuring that the voices of small businesses are heard. She feels that in this way, the project becomes tangible for her, and their successes become tangible.​

Alison’s Artwork

Nature Inspired Hand Embroidery by Alison.
Nature Inspired Hand Embroidery by Alison.
Alison has also been nominated in Top 10 Craftsmen by USA Today.
Alison has also been nominated in Top 10 Craftsmen by USA Today.

In accumulation to these designing-based projects, Alison has a very uncommon talent, an art that you would have never seen before. She creates wire taxidermies and modern day’s hand embroideries.

Alison Brynn Ross creates Wire Taxidermy pieces, which are ones of their kind. These pieces are wire sculptures made by twisting wires with the hand, inspired by nature, its beauty, and its quirkiness. Brynn’s embroidery work ranges from sophisticated landscapes and maps to mordant vacation jewels. Commissions to the artists are open in both ways. Even her shop is updated quarterly with complete releases of all her new works.

Have A Look!

Every piece of work is hand twisted, and there is no involvement of heat or solder in any way; the only helpers are needle-nose pliers and a lot of patience. The work is unique and ranges from mythical to mundane.










The work is too amazing for praise with words. We hope to see more of Alison’s work soon in the next time!

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Sources: Boredpanda, AlisonBrynnRoss.

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