A recent tweet by SugoiLITE disclosed that YAIBA, an 80s Shonen manga created by Gosho Aoyama, author of Detective Conan, is having an anime remake series in the work and the anime production studio is none other than WIT Studio. Although WIT Studio is not quite on par with MAPPA or Toei Animation, it has quite a range of animes under its belt, making a name for itself by producing high-quality and visually stunning anime shows.

Detective Conan
Detective Conan

From Attack on Titan to Spy x Family, WIT Studio has illustrated its ability to tackle a wide range of genres. The studio has the potential to bring fan-favorite mangas to life with their talented animators. Now WIT Studio is eyeing the anime remake of YAIBA, which could be a hit or a miss.

The Announcement For YAIBA’s Remake By WIT Studio Gets Mixed Reception


Although WIT Studio has proved itself capable enough to produce outstanding animes that helped to build its reputation, the tweet by SugoiLITE garnered mixed reviews from fans. While some were delighted by the prospect of WIT Studio remaking the anime, others were not so enthusiastic about the remake.

The fans’ reaction to the remake of YAIBA is not unfounded, given that not always the remakes are up to the standard. Reboots are a controversial topic in the anime community, as not all animes get the same treatment as Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood or the incredibly successful 2014 Hunter x Hunter.

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In most cases, trying to improve on an already-established anime leads to downgrades and a flurry of critical reviews. Additionally, most anime reboots are subjected to harsh criticism, ruining the chances to gain new audiences. At times, the reboots impact the viewers’ perception so drastically, that they are unwilling to give the franchise a chance.

Storyline of Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba

Kaguya- Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba

Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba (or simply Yaiba) is the story of a young boy, Yaiba Kurogane, who leaves his island with his two animal pets and goes to Tokyo to chase his dreams of becoming a great samurai like his father. He is also accompanied by the Mine family and his best friend, Sayaka.

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In a twist of fate, a classmate of Yaiba, Takeshi Onimaru, turns into a demon, looking to conquer the world and being called the ‘Devil of Wind’. Yaiba and his friends join him in his fight to defeat Onimaru and his demon soldiers. With his magic sword, ‘Sword of God of Thunder’, Yaiba ventures out to defeat his enemies to ensure the world’s freedom.

Read more about Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba on MyAnimeList.

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