Renowned comedian and actor Kevin Hart was recently involved in a severe car accident in the early hours of Sunday. The celebrity reportedly suffered “major injuries on his back due to the crash, which also injured the other two individuals in the vehicle.” The devastating news of Hart’s accident spread like wildfire on social media, with several worried fans sharing their worries and concerns about his condition. There is an outpour of tweets wishing him a fast and complete recovery. 


Details On The Car Accident 

Reportedly, Hart’s signature car, a Plymouth Barracuda, skidded off Mulholland Drive in Malibu Hills. It took place around 1 am on Sunday, where the vehicle went through a roadside wooden fence and landed in a ditch that was approximately 10 feet from the road. The car was severely crushed due to the accident. 


Police Statement About Kevin Hart

The police statement claims that Hart wasn’t driving the vehicle when the crash occurred, even though the car belongs to him. He was taken out of the car first and then taken home by his security; however, he was taken to the hospital later. Hart had “major back injuries” due to the crash, and required medical attention. 


Fans Flooding The Internet With Worry For Kevin Hart

After the news of the accident came out, several fans expressed their concern on social media sites like twitter. Many spoke about the actors’ positive influence on the website and shared their hopes in him making a complete and fast recovery. Many others expressed their concern due to lack of information regarding his condition being shared. 


Check out the tweets below by fans who are sharing their concern for Hart’s recovery.

Find out more in this video: 

Kevin Hart Sustains 'Major Back Injury' In Car Crash


Source: Comicbook, Bloomberg

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