Square Enix today issued a brand new update about the upcoming release of The Final Fantasy VII Remake for the PlayStation 4. Expressly, the corporate has noted that due to the impact of COVID-19, it took the bizarre step to begin shipping retail copies of the game to some parts of the globe — Europe and Australia — ahead of usual April 10th release date.

What the Update is About?

What the Update is About?
The Team requests people not to give any Spoilers!


















In short, people are more likely to urge their hands on the highly anticipated game prior to time than usual, with some folks seemingly already having done so. Also noting, that this often occurs, the developers asked that individuals not to spoil it for the rest of the planet. “We had some hard decisions to execute during the last few weeks before launch because of confusion to distribution channels caused by the spread of the COVID-19 virus,” today’s message from director Tetsuya Nomura and producer Yoshinori Kitase. “These unique events have made it very challenging to regulate the timing of our global shipping. Our highest priority is that each one, including people who reside in countries currently facing the largest disruption, can play the sport at launch, so we decided to ship the game far sooner than usual to Europe and Australia.”

A Message for All the Fans

A Message for All the Fans
All possess equal right to Experience the Game.

The notice adds, “If you get the sport beforehand, please considers others and do not defile it for them.” “We know there are potential spoilers because the first FINAL FANTASY VII was issued in 1997. But FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE could be a different game that holds many blows for each one of you. All fans and players should experience the game themselves, owing to that, we invite the support of our dedicated community around the world to confirm that.”

What are Updates on Final Fantasy VII Remake

What are Updates on Final Fantasy VII Remake
You would Love the Updates.

Final Fantasy VII Remake is currently cataloged to lance for PlayStation 4 on April 10th. Retail copies of the sport could potentially be delayed due to current coronavirus pandemic, however, though it’d now appear that the alternative is also correct in some areas. It’s currently unclear the Final Fantasy VII Remake would be comprised of how many games, as known, that it’ll be issuing in distinct chunks.

Sources : comicbook , gamespot

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