The Celestials are some of the Marvel Universe’s most powerful creatures. Their talents have the ability to change space and time, as well as create new species. However, their full powers have not been completely described or appreciated in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Thankfully, the new film Eternals will focus on these millennia-old beings, offering viewers a closer look at their divine abilities. Here are their numerous powers, weaknesses, and adversaries that have been portrayed in the comics but are merely teased in the movie to help you prepare for the film’s debut.

Celestials Are Godlike Beings With Vast Powers:


In Marvel Comics, the Celestials are one of many ancient creatures with godlike abilities over the cosmos. They get immortality and near-omnipotence as a result of this. Their powers are drawn from cosmic and supernatural forces, which allow them to control space-time with near-limitless potential. They have utilized these powers to frighten lesser creatures into surrender on several occasions. Their abilities also offer them incredible strength, which complements their huge stature. Due to their enormous power output, going up against a celestial is effectively a suicide mission. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has yet to properly explore a celestial’s full capabilities or appearance, although they have been hinted at many times. The first is demonstrated in Guardians of the Galaxy when the Collector shows a short footage of a Celestial named Eson the Searcher. Eson is a huge humanoid that towers over ordinary humans and wields a large staff. His base destructive force has not been observed, but his strength has been witnessed when paired with an Infinity Stone. The second and most comprehensive appearance of a celestial occurs in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, when Star-Lord meets his father, Ego. Ego, like Eson, is a celestial who appears as a human but is actually a whole planet. His omnipotence is on full show as he controls and sees every element of that world. He also has control over an energy he refers to as “the light,” which allows him to build structures and suck cosmic energy from his offspring. The Ego, like his predecessors, is immortal but not invincible. He has also demonstrated an apparent unique capacity to extend his mind across the cosmos with no effort on his side.

Celestials Can Destroy Entire Planets – And Create New Races:


Ego refers to himself as a god with a lowercase “g” in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. This makes sense for Ego because he can’t create new universes, but it’s not clear for his ancient predecessors. The Celestials are introduced in the comics as more than simply ancient beings. In fact, their abilities make them appear to many, including the Eternals and Deviants, to be genuine gods. Celestials can generate life on a massive scale due to their tremendous cosmic abilities. In both the movie and the comics, they created the Eternals and the Deviants. The Dark Celestials, their polar opposite, also had one of their own perish on primaeval Earth after being afflicted by monsters known as the Horde. His contaminated blood altered the planet’s development and may explain why there are superpowered creatures on Earth. In essence, even a sick celestial has the ability to generate life. They may, however, easily remove it. The MCU demonstrates how easily celestials may overrun and destroy worlds. In the first Guardians of the Galaxy film, for example, Eson is depicted wiping out an entire planet with the Power Stone linked to his staff. A typical living being, on the other hand, can not handle the stone without being murdered, and even wielding it through something like a staff can corrupt them. This is best seen when Ronan affixes the stone to his weapon. When Eson utilizes it, he exhibits no symptoms of corruption, implying that he is greater than even the power of an Infinity Stone. Their destructive power is further seen as Ego expands his influence over the universe. In his great goal, known as the “expansion,” Ego uses parts of himself to swallow planets, eradicating all life on them. Nonetheless, a scene in the Eternals teaser depicts a Celestial constructing a universe, demonstrating their power to create. As a result, the MCU displays both its destructive and constructive potential.

Despite Their Cosmic Powers, Celestials Can Be Killed:


Celestials have been beaten in both comics and cinema, but it isn’t easy. This is hinted at in the first Guardians of the Galaxy film, when they seek shelter in Knowhere, the head of a deceased Celestial. Its cause of death is unknown, but whatever ripped off its head certainly contributed to its demise. The second Guardians of the Galaxy film demonstrates that they may potentially be killed by assaulting their core. The Guardians take advantage of this by placing a bomb in Ego’s head, killing him. In the comics, however, some foes represent a far greater threat to their immortality.

Celestials Have Enemies – We Just Don’t Know Who They Are Yet:


The MCU hasn’t revealed who the Celestials’ opponents could be, but the comics hint at some possible adversaries. One example is the Terminus, a race capable of competing with the Celestials. The second race is the Klyntar, a symbiotic race ruled by Knull. Knull is no stranger to slaying celestials or other gods, and he once committed mass deicide. Another more terrible foe is the Horde, a race of tiny insects whose swarm murdered the Celestial known as the Progenitor. While the Celestials don’t have many opponents, it’s apparent that whomever fights them in the MCU will be a huge danger if they can deal with their tremendous strength and destructive powers. When Eternals hits cinemas on November 5, you’ll be able to see the power of the Celestials.