Elon Musk, often known to break the Internet by his statements or acts recently tweeted what seemed like a futuristic invention. Being one of the wealthiest people on the planet was not enough for the CEO of Tesla as he thought two of his brains would be better. One would always wonder how a brain can be transferred into a man-made machine, but with his recent tweet, Elon Musk confirmed he copied his brain to the machine and talks to his digital version. 

Read More, ‘I haven’t had sex in ages’: Elon Musk Defends Himself Against Affair Allegations With Google’s Sergey Brin’s Wife, Fans Say He’s a Snake For Forgetting Brin’s Loan To Build Tesla

Tweet seeking the possibilities of uploading the brain on the cloud

Elon Musk
Elon musk

A recent tweet by Shibetoshi Nakamoto, known as the creator of Dogecoin with an account named, @BillyM2k asked, “If you could upload your brain to the cloud, and talk to a virtual version of yourself, would you be buddies?”. In the second continuation of the tweet, the user posted, “would be cool to have a competitive game buddy of approximately the same skill level. Except he would be a computer and have infinite time so I would more just see him get better at everything while I am busy with dumb life things.

Reply by Elon Musk that indicates he has uploaded his brain to the computer

Elon Musk
Elon Musk

Read More, Who is Shivon Zilis – Executive at Elon Musk’s Brain-Tech Startup Neuralink Who Secretly Had an Affair With Him, Gave Birth To His Twins

While responding to his tweet, Elon Musk replied and said, “Already did it”, which could be an indication that the entrepreneur has downloaded his brain into a machine. The spontaneous reply had no explanation which has made more speculations about what the billionaire is up to now. 

As the CEO of Tesla tweeted about this, Shibetoshi Nakamoto replied and asked, “is this you on Twitter, or the virtual you.” He later asked, “or really, is there even a difference?

Is Elon Musk’s technology the key to the future?

Elon Musk
SpaceX owner and Tesla CEO Elon Musk

In the past, the CEO of Tesla has given statements about how his company, Tesla is working on new technologies. With this tweet, could this be an indication that he might come up with a technology that could allow people to download their brains, memories, and personalities on the machine?

Also read, Who Is the Mystery Woman Amber Heard’s Ex Elon Musk Is Reportedly Dating, Vacationing With in Mykonos, Greece

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