The cinematic production headlined by Margot Robbie, Barbie, has showcased an unrelenting surge at the global box office, leaving an indelible mark on the entertainment industry. While the United States undeniably contributes to the film’s triumph, its resonance extends well beyond American shores. The international acclaim has been nothing short of exceptional, with countries such as China adding their voices to the chorus of admiration for the film. As the narrative of Barbie continues to cheer audiences worldwide, the film has breached the $1 billion threshold.


However, amidst the resounding applause and financial success, not all chapters of this Warner Bros blockbuster’s story have unfolded without hurdles. The film’s exploration of themes related to gender and sexuality, while resonating profoundly with many, has also sparked controversy and debate. Some countries in the Middle East are saying “no” to showing the movie Barbie. The movie was about to be shown in these countries, but Kuwait and Lebanon have said it can’t be shown there. This ignited a broader discourse on the cinematic expression of gender and sexuality.

Controversy Erupts in Lebanon Over Barbie Film’s Content

Barbie Movie Scene
Barbie Movie Scene

Kuwait made an announcement, revealing its decision to ban Barbie. They asserted that the movie promotes ideas and beliefs that are unfamiliar to Kuwaiti society and disrupt public order. The state-run KUNA news agency shared this statement, though it lacked specific details. Meanwhile, in Lebanon, Minister of Culture Mohammad Mortada asserted that Margot Robbie‘s Barbie film contradicted deeply held values of faith and morality.

He further claimed that it supports homosexuality and portrays the concept of sexual transformation. Mortada’s formal request to prevent the film’s screening was directed to Lebanon’s General Security agency, a branch operating under the Interior Ministry and responsible for making the final call on censorship issues. This development has already stirred significant reactions in Lebanon, a country that has traditionally maintained a relatively open-minded stance toward homosexuality.

The film tastefully navigates themes of sexuality, with an all-star cast that notably features Kate McKinnon, an openly gay actress, and Hari Nef, who is transgender. The character Ken, portrayed by Ryan Gosling, occasionally exhibits behavior that challenges traditional gender norms, a factor that could raise eyebrows in certain parts of the Middle East. While the film does not explicitly focus on sexuality, these elements contribute to its thought-provoking nature. The LGBTQ+ community has warmly embraced the film for its representation, applauding its inclusion of diverse perspectives. However, it’s worth noting that within this community, there have been both appreciative voices and critical viewpoints.

Also Read: More Troubles For Margot Robbie as ‘Barbie’ Gets Banned in Another Country For Its Homosexual Content

Barbie‘s Road to a Billion as The Pink Pop Sensation of the Box Office

Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling
Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling

In under a month since its release in global markets, the Warner Bros film centered around dolls has amassed a staggering $1 billion USD in box office earnings. The movie, spearheaded and produced by Margot Robbie, with direction and co-writing credits attributed to Greta Gerwig, achieved the milestone of surpassing $400 million in the United States and $500 million internationally at a swifter pace than any other film under the Warner Bros banner.

Also Read: Gal Gadot is Heartbroken Over Losing Out on Barbie as Film Crosses $1B Mark, Claims She’s Hopeful “for the next one”

Barbie is on track to potentially become the top-grossing movie of 2023, having already secured second place for the year. By its third week in theaters, it would be trailing behind The Super Mario Bros. Movie, which currently holds $1.351 billion. Barbie needs just a few million more to surpass it, but with its $356 million opening weekend, it could achieve this in 2-3 weeks and clinch the year’s highest-grossing title.

Additionally, a handful of comparably understated accomplishments have yielded substantial profits from prudent budgets. The immense and all-encompassing reaction witnessed reinforces our longstanding belief: Barbie stands as an exceedingly unique cinematic creation, undeniably claiming the title of the paramount theatrical spectacle of the summer, if not the entire year.

Also Read: Ben Shapiro, Who Predicted Barbie To “Fall of a cliff”, Nowhere to Be Seen after it Crossed $1 Billion

Source: X

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