Hajime Isayama’s iconic shonen manga, Attack on Titan, finally reached its conclusion in 2021, bringing the emotional rollercoaster of a show to a shocking end. In 2023, the anime adaptation also concluded on an emotional note with Mikasa entering Eren’s Titan mouth with Levi’s assistance and decapitating Eren’s human body. The anime confirms Eren’s death as Mikasa brings his body to Armin and they both mourn his loss.

Attack on Titan Eren Yeager
Attack on Titan Eren Yeager | Crunchyroll

The highly anticipated Attack on Titan final season brought back the musical group Linked Horizon for the opening theme and fans have been ecstatic over the news. Linked Horizon’s previous songs for the series, Guren no Yumiya and Shinzo wo Sasageyo, have become synonymous with Attack on Titan. The fusion of rock and orchestral elements in Linked Horizon’s music has significantly boosted the impact of the show.

Linked Horizon Will Release A New Song Centered Around An Attack on Titan Character

Linked Horizon
Linked Horizon | PONY CANYON INC.

The collaboration between Crunchyroll and Linked Horizon for the final season promised an emotionally charged opening sequence and the song, Saigo no Kyojin, certainly delivered. However, this is not the end. Attack on Titan‘s X account has officially stated that Linked Horizon will be back with a new song centered around an Attack on Titan character. Fans are elated over the news and took to X to express their excitement.

Also Read: “He’s someone I put a lot of thought into creating”: Hajime Isayama’s Favorite Attack on Titan Character is the Most Unexpected One (It’s Not Eren or Mikasa)

The song is titled “What I Really Wanted” and it is scheduled to release on August 7, 2024. Although the official site has not yet revealed the character whom the song is centered around, fans are speculating that it is either Eren Yeager or Armin. But fans can agree on one thing, and that is the song can’t come out soon enough. With the hype surrounding this upcoming song, it is certain that it will be a hit among fans. After all, Linked Horizon has never disappointed fans before.

Attack on Titan Finale Opening Theme Song By Linked Horizon

Eren Yeager Titan Form
Eren Yeager Titan Form | Crunchyroll

Linked Horizon returned for the opening song and theme song of Attack on Titan‘s grand finale. The episodic version of Attack on Titan finale featured the opening Saigo no Kyojin or The Last Titan, which can be heard below:

TVアニメ「進撃の巨人」The Final Season完結編(各話版)ノンクレジットOP|Linked Horizon「最後の巨人」

Also Read: “We have no information about the characters”: Hajime Isayama had a Very Specific Reason for Completely Removing Eren from Attack on Titan’s Narrative

Linked Horizon also performed the theme song Nisennen… Moshiku wa… Nimannengo no Kimi e… (Two Thousand Years… Or… 20,000 Years From Now…), which follows SiM’s “Under the Tree”. Ai Higuchi also performed the song Itterashai or See You Later in the Ending Theme song of Attack on Titan finale.

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