Not even two months after the release of th Avengers: Endgame, parents of Endgame star Lexi Rabe have taken to her Instagram account. This is to share the actor has started suffering from continued bullying after finding sudden success in the latest Marvel Studios film. While no specific instances were mentioned, it would appear some of the bullyings were received by the actor. Which is as a result of not stopping forsake of autographs or pictures with fans, as her mother Jessica explains in the message. As her mother says, despite new-found fame, Lexi’s just seven years old . She also said that they’re trying to navigate the world with as much of a normal life as they can.

morgan stark avengers endgame 1176202
Morgan Stark With Tony Stark

Video AND message posted by mother Jessica on Lexi Rabe’s Instagram handle:

“We give her a talking and we give her timeouts but we don’t do that in public,” the elder Rabe shared. “Sometimes were rushing from place to place stressed like everyone else to get to set on time or work or whatever and we seem a little grumpy.” Judging by a few other pictures on her account, it would appear a substantial amount of the bullying is coming through digital platforms online.

Who is Lexi Rabe?

emma fuhrmann ty simpkins more endgame premiere 02
Lexi Rabe credits:Deadline

After a quick video explaining her actions — something a seven-year-old should never have to do. That might being added — Lexi Rabe was sure to tug at your heartstrings with her iconic “I love you 3000” line.  Lexi’s had a banner year’  as Tony Stark’s (Robert Downey Jr.)Daughter in Avengers: Endgame. The child star went on to play a younger Madison Russel in Godzilla: King of the Monsters.


Avengers:Endgame re-release, this weekend

Avengers: Endgame enters theaters this weekend for a re-release.  It including over six minutes of new footage while Spider-Man: Far From Home swings into theaters July 2nd.  Wherever movies are sold Captain Marvel is now available .

Source: Digital Spy, Comicbook

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