All the MCU fans are quite curious and excited about the phase 4 upcoming movies and mostly to know about the next supervillain?

Many rumors are spreading widely in the social media for phase 4 supervillain. Anyone can be the next super villain from Galactus, Magneto, Kang the Conqueror, and Doctor Doom. Nevertheless, there is no official confirmation from MCU and doesn’t likely to be soon because of MCU’s strict protocols and penchant for secrecy nature, if you could reckon for the tease of Thanos, MCU took a pretty good amount of time. So we can predict in phase 4 MCU could be planning something similar to that.

secret wars comic version

The MCU Phase 4 is going to be more extensive than the previous one because now, along with the movies, MCU is ready to set foot on a whole different segment of T.V and web series under Disney+.

front page of a comic from 1980s

 The directors of Avengers End game and Avengers Infinity war Russo Brothers clearly stated that Avengers’ secret war could be more significant than these two films. If we can remember, After Avengers end game, the Russo Brothers said they would like to work on the next Marvel movie, which is linked to the mutant universe. From this, we can easily guess that it can be none other than Wolverine. In my opinion, both of them could be the best directors for this film because the way they directed Avenger’s end game and infinity war, it was quite admirable deserves appreciation heartily. As of now, there is no such official confirmation regarding secret wars from MCU and the Russo Brothers. President of MCU, Kevin Feige, said phase 4 could be tough for the production because its diversification into the OTT platform, as the audience, who don’t like to watch T.V series now have to watch it to get a firm grip about the story line up and future reference.

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