People often thought of games as a form of stereotypical childish entertainment. However, some modern game developers are slowly changing that mindset by creating thought-provoking games. The majority of other forms of media such as films or TV shows deal with societal issues and many are great for opening the eyes and minds of their audience members. In this regard, some experts believe it is easier to impact players through gameplay itself because this will make a player more invested in a game than if they simply watched things unfold on screen. With that being said, these are the top 5 best video games that address social issues –

Papers, Please

Papers, Please
Papers, Please

One of the games that directly inspired Beholder is Papers, Please. In this game, you are an immigration officer in a fictional dystopian country called Arstotzka. Depending on how you act towards the immigrants and judge their paperwork will impact your salary. As the game goes on and more rules are introduced, it becomes harder and harder to make enough money to pay for necessities such as food and rent. Depending on your decisions, you get one of many different endings.

The World Ends With You

The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You

This game focuses on breaking away from societal norms and encourages the players to open their minds to other points of view. In The World Ends With You, Neku Sakuraba is forced to team with several other individuals and fight against a fatal game that determined whether they’re reborn after they die or not.  However, they’ll soon realize that if they don’t unlock each level’s stage and get rid of all their physical pain, it will be most likely impossible for everyone to survive and win the game.  The main message of The World Ends With You is that people should accept others’ perspectives.

Adventures With Anxiety

Adventures With Anxiety!
Adventures With Anxiety!

In recent years, game developers have begun creating some really inspiring games. One of these games is called Adventures with Anxiety. In this free 2019 game you play as an anthropomorphized wolf that functions in the capacity of the main character’s anxiety itself. Being the character, the player has to choose options that will help him/her make the lead character feel really anxious.



This game offers a lot of moral and ethical choices. For example, how does the player deal with people who hurt others? What does it mean to do what is right? Our protagonist knows all too well from her experience that life can throw a lot of trauma your way, but she wants to make sure will be stronger in the end.

An Outcry

An Outcry
An Outcry

This is a ‘choose your own adventure type of game. It allows the Unnamed, a 25-year-old character who chooses not to identify as either male or female, to live in Vienna and go about their daily routine which includes trying to find shelter during a rainstorm as they chase rumored killer birds. The storyline immerses players in tales of anxiety and modern-day politics while portraying non-binary gender identity issues. Throughout the game, players have options that allow them to fight oppression and win back their right to exist in the world or give up and surrender; it’s ultimately up to them.

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