Between Mandalorian Season 2 and Boba Fett, Here’s What Happened
Little time seems to have elapsed between The Mandalorian season 2 and episode 5 of The Book of Boba Fett. However, a great deal actually occurred off-screen. Book of Boba Fett’s episode 5 centered around Mandalorian, in the occasions that lead to his reunification with Fennec Shand. Boba Fett and Fennec Shand need to look for muscle to assist them with Pyke Syndicate issue ascending against them. Previous four episodes answer inquiries regarding Tatooine and the wrongdoing world that Boba Fett wishes to play in. Star Wars’ Pyke Syndicate is fighting with Boba Fett. The overwhelming Spice bootleggers are plainly turning into this current show’s super adversarial danger. Involving Din Djarin as method for assisting Boba Fett is insightful, considering solid association that Mandalorians have with Pykes.
It’s begging to be proven wrong whether an episode for a show named The Book of Boba Fett ought to have zeroed in all of its time away from its nominal person on something else entirely. The episode assists set up The Mandalorian’s season 3 so the season can zero in on more matters. It got positive recognition and kept up with Boba Fett’s overall equation of zeroing in eagerly on personal storyline. The episode additionally threw in its typical plenty of Star Wars Easter eggs and kept the shows associated. Here is all that occurred between season 2 of The Mandalorian and episode 5 of The Book of Boba Fett.
The Mandalorian Tribe Moved

The Mandalorian’s first season showed The Armorer and Paz Vizsla in the world Nevarro. In The Mandalorian’s season 1 episode 3 “The Sin,” other Mandalorians show up to save Djarin when other bounty hunters overwhelm him by preventing him from taking Grogu. Season 2 didn’t show the other Mandalorians, rather zeroing in on Djarin’s mission to carry Grogu to the Jedis. Season 2 additionally presented three different Star Wars Mandalorian groups, with Din Djarin being essential for a fanatic group called The Tribe. Nonetheless, Paz Vizsla tells Djarin in Book of Boba Fett’s episode 5 that “there are three of us now,” when Djarin communicates that he’s “upset for [their] penance,” construing to an Imperial Remnant assault on the Tribe for doing combating the Bounty Hunters’ society. After Djarin’s last gathering with them, the Tribe moved Nevarro onto Glavis.
The Mandalorian Might Know Where Grogu Is Training

Racket Djarin requests that the Armorer manufacture his Beskar skewer into something for Grogu. Toward the finish of The Book of Boba Fett’s episode 5, Djarin lets Fennec Shand know that he should “visit a little companion” prior to aiding Boba Fett. Djarin in Season 2 would have no chance of realizing where Luke’s Jedi preparing sanctuary would be. He likely found out with regards to Grogu’s whereabouts meanwhile.
Din Djarin Contacted Peli Motto About The Razor Crest’s Destruction

In The Mandalorian season 2, episode 6 “Part 14: The Tragedy,” Moff Gideon’s light cruiser obliterated Djarin’s Razor Crest. The Razor Crest’s obliteration hurt Star Wars fans on account of the importance the boat held for Djarin. It was basically his Millennium Falcon. Djarin never connected to Peli Motto about his boat, as he had additional squeezing matters with respect to Grogu’s catch. At the point when Djarin goes to Tatooine in The Book of Boba Fett’s episode 5 to meet Motto about a message she sent him with respect to a substitution transport, this suggests that Djarin sent her a message in the wake of sending Grogu away with regards to the Razor Crest’s annihilation.