• 'Thunderbolts*' introduces Bob, aka Sentry, in the MCU.
  • Sentry’s abilities are way ahead of whatever has been shown in MCU so far.
  • Despite his godlike powers, Sentry’s has been defeated by one superbeing.

Marvel Studios is coming with another promising installment. After a proper superhero team like Avengers, the Marvel Cinematic Universe will now have a new team of misfits called Thunderbolts, which consists of some familiar supersoldiers and spies along with a new face.

Bob in Thunderbolts*
Thunderbolts* | Credit: Marvel Entertainment YouTube

The trailer for Thunderbolts* shows a scene where Yelena, John Walker, Ghost, and Taskmaster find themselves together in a warehouse where they fight against each other until they realize they are the target of someone else. However, there comes a random man who reveals his name as Bob.

Bob aka Sentry Will Probably Be the Strongest MCU Character

Hulk vs. Sentry in World War Hulk
World War Hulk | Credit:

In the Thunderbolts* trailer, Ghost asks for Lewis Pullman‘s character’s identity, and he says his name is Bob. In comics, Bob is the nickname of Robert Reynolds, who eventually becomes Sentry after ingesting a Golden Sentry serum that was supposed to be much stronger than Captain America’s supersoldier serum.

The serum gives Bob the power of a million exploding suns. Now, if MCU follows a similar origin story and goes with similar abilities, then Sentry would easily be the most overpowered superhero in the multiverse that has been shown so far.

Sentry has the photokinetic powers, which are fueled by the sun. He is immortal, can regenerate, and has the power of telekinesis, shape-shifting, molecular manipulation, flight, and all the other regular superpowers that can be expected from a superhero. 

In the MCU, Thanos has been shown as the strongest supervillain so far. However, in Avengers: Endgame, other superheroes like Captain Marvel and Wanda Maximoff can be seen fighting toe-to-toe against him. But none of their power levels comes nearly as close to Sentry.

Sentry vs. Ares
Sentry vs. Ares in SIEGE | Credit:

In the World War Hulk storyline, where every other superhero failed to stop Hulk, Sentry took the most powerful hits from the most powerful version of Hulk in the face and still managed to successfully beat him in his human form. Sentry has fought against X-Men and Avengers multiple times, overpowering them easily.

Sentry’s most powerful feats come from his alter ego Void, which is an uncontrolled, dark version of the hero. It has destroyed Asgard into ruins, ripped the God of War Ares in half, and broken every bone of Hulk’s body. There are feats where Sentry punched Thor and threw She-Hulk miles away like it was nothing.

Sentry once regenerated from an atom after Molecule Man’s attack and, in return, shredded him to atoms. Absorbing Man, who had absorbed the powers of Hulk, Thor, and even Odin, was once overwhelmed after absorbing just a fragment of Sentry’s power. Sentry then melts him into thin air with ease.

Besides that, Sentry also has the power to heal others, and he once brought back his wife after she was killed by Ultron. All these feats are way above what any superhero has shown in the MCU so far. It will turn other heroes like Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man, and even Thanos into nothing in front of Bob.

Which Superbeing Has Defeated Sentry?

Sentry vs. Knull in King in Black
Sentry vs. Knull in King in Black | Credit:

When someone has powers to kill gods, it becomes tough to make any sense to have an enemy of that person in movies or comics. When Superman had similar problems, kryptonite, and magic were introduced as his weaknesses. However, in the case of Sentry, it is his own mental state.

Sentry is at his most powerful state when he is mentally stable. However, due to his troubled mental state, he often times loses control, and his darker alter ego, Void, takes control. Although it makes him more fierce, at times it also becomes the reason for his vulnerability.

One superbeing who has been introduced in Sony’s superhero universe that can defeat Sentry is the God of Symbiotes, Knull. In the King in Black storyline, when Knull attacks Earth and defeats every superhero, he comes face to face with Sentry, who had defeated Carnage earlier.

Out of that rage, Knull holds Sentry in midair, rips him in half, and absorbs the Void. This moment has been one of the most shocking moments in Marvel comics, and it shows just how powerful the King in Black is. 

Apart from him, the other beings who can defeat Sentry have not been introduced in the MCU so far. Beings like Rune King Thor, Beyonder, and other cosmic beings are the only ones who can stand a chance against him.

Thunderbolts* will be released in theaters on May 2, 2025.

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