As the 18th birthday of Britney Spears’ eldest son Sean inches near, the singer is nothing but happy that her child support payment to ex-husband Kevin Federline has come to an end. The pop singer has been shouldering a substantial financial burden for years, and as it comes to an end, she is relieved. This feeling of Briteny Spears is also shared by her friends as they hope to see Kevin Federline on the streets.

Britney Spears
Britney Spears

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Britney Spears Rejoices the End of Her Child Support Payments

As Britney Spears’ eldest son Sean is set to turn 18 soon, the singer is celebrating the end of child support. Even though Spears is more than happy to provide for her kids, the amount of money that her ex-husband Kevin Federline has been hoarding from her has been insane.

After their divorce in 2007, Spears lost the custody of her two boys to Federline. Ever since then, the singer has been paying $20,000 a month in child support as well as tuition and schooling. Apart from this, she was paying an additional $35,000 per month for the boys’ clothing, extracurriculars, and other expenses.

Britney Spears with her Sons
Britney Spears with her Sons

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As if this, much was not enough Federline demanded Spears increase the money for child support from $20,000 to $60,000 a month in 2018. While making the demand Federline stated that the kids are getting older and the financial circumstances of the partiers are very different.

With the amount of money, she has been paying it is no surprise that Britney Spears feels nothing but relieved as her son turns 18.

Britney Spears’ Friends are Echoing the Same Sentiments

Just like Britney Spears her friends are also echoing the same sentiments. Many of her friends are happy that Spears will no longer be paying the heavy child support to her ex-husband. They also believe that Kevin Federline needs to seek employment and become more self-sufficient rather than relying on child support for his regular needs.

Britney Spears with Kevin Federline
Britney Spears with Kevin Federline

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Reports have been around that Kevin Federline has relocated his entire family, including Sean and Jayden along with his other kids to Hawaii. Even in Hawaii, Federline has no employment and it is his current wife who is working as a teacher at the University of Hawaii.

Source: The News, Cosmopolitan

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