Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan are known for their infamous youth. They reached peak popularity when they were both quite young and it turned out a little more than they could handle. And while they’re both happily married and settled now, the early 2000s was quite a turbulent phase in their lives.

They were both headlining ladies who had all of the media’s attention. The outlets always kept a close eye on their personal lives and public behaviors. Nothing was private, as the media sniffed out every little detail.

Lindsay Lohan refused to gossip about Britney Spears

Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan
Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan

Britney Spears split up from her husband Kevin Federline in 2006. The former couple shared two kids, Jayden James Federline, and Sean Preston Federline. And quite naturally, the divorce, which was finalized in 2007, became the talk of the town.

Every media outlet wanted a scoop of that pie and they in turn asked every celebrity that came their way about their views on the matter. Who doesn’t like to gossip after all? Well, Lindsay Lohan doesn’t. She was one of the celebrities asked to give her two cents on the matter, but she knew better than to indulge the intrusive media.

Lindsay Lohan refused to talk about Britney Spears divorce with Kevin Federline
Lindsay Lohan refused to talk about Britney Spears’ divorce from Kevin Federline

Also Read: ‘My mother was pissed…hit me so hard’: Britney Spears Reveals Traumatic Experience Where Mom Lynne Hit Her For Partying With Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton

During a certain red carpet interview, a reporter asked the Mean Girls actor for any advice for the Toxic singer. To this, Lohan replied with a question, asking, “In terms of what?” The reporter then enlightened her about the Spears-Federline divorce.

And The Parent Trap actor replied nonchalantly, “Oh, I didn’t even know that actually…” The reporter still tried inciting a response from her, “Are you surprised?” But Lohan was clear with it, “I really don’t care.”

Although, only Lohan can tell if this was a reluctance to gossip or sheer rudeness on her part. The Just My Luck actress was very well aware of the media’s innuendos with gossiping about celebrities’ personal lives. After all, she had been a victim of the same as well.

Also Read: Lindsay Lohan Reportedly Dated Late Actor Heath Ledger at the Time of His Death, Was Left Inconsolable After The Dark Knight Star’s Accidental Death

The making of one of the most iconic 2000’s pop culture moments

Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, and Paris Hilton
Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, and Paris Hilton

Meanwhile, post-divorce Spears was an out-and-about party animal. People hailed her for calling the cards and ending a marriage she didn’t deem healthy anymore, but then she slowly started losing public favor after being spotted with hotel heiress Paris Hilton. Hilton was infamous for a lot of reasons, her leaked s*x tape, and her influencer status without any real talent to go with it, being the prominent reasons.

Being in her company brought allegations about the Work Bitch singer as well. People claimed that as a new mother to little boys, she should focus on them rather than partying her time away.

And at the end of one such night out, the paparazzi snapped a picture of Hilton, Spears, and Lohan in the front seat of a car. The shot has lived on in infamy as an iconic moment in pop culture.

Also Read: “We’re well aware of your all night partying”: Lindsay Lohan Was Humiliated in Public Letter By Producer Jane Fonda After Consistently Giving Excuses for Arriving Late

Source: The Things
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