Anthony Mackie’s character Sam Wilson now holds the shield and the title of Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). In the wake of the events of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, the MCU has seen some groundbreaking shifts; Sam Wilson becoming Captain America being one of them.

However, the series also left some cliffhangers and questions. Incidentally, there is but one question that has fan spaces abuzz. Fans anticipate the answers and more in the long-awaited installment of Captain America’s story titled Captain America: Brave New World

Anthony Mackie as The Falcon
Anthony Mackie as The Falcon

A Question Unanswered Since The Falcon and The Winter Soldier

In the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe, groundbreaking changes and awe-inspiring plot twists keep the ship sailing. The tumultuous waves of audience reception do have the potential to have disastrous effects and all changes are not welcomed. But the show goes on and is often houseful.

Anthony Mackie in Captain America: Brave New World
Captain America: Brave New World will see Anthony Mackie as the new Cap

The recent change of Sam Wilson, played by Anthony Mackie, becoming Captain America after Steve Rogers has caused a lot of discourse. Given the popularity of the character, all eyes are set on what the future holds.

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The aforementioned change came about in the Marvel miniseries The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Probably the question that inspires the most intrigue is this: Will Wakanda have a problem with Sam Wilson in Captain America 4?

It is known that Captain America’s shield and new suit are made of vibranium; thanks to Wakanda. But as seen in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, several other nations are trying to get their hands on the invaluable metal. Pictures of Sam Wilson in the suit were taken in Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Wakanda might want to reclaim what it bestowed on another country’s superhero.

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Anthony Mackie’s Brave and New Captain America

Captain America
Anthony Mackie has taken onto the shield from Steve Rogers

There are many challenges to being a leader and protecting the country. But Sam Wilson holds a bigger challenge to them all. Being accepted by the people he will be risking his life for. After receiving the shield from Steve Rogers, the premise of Falcon and the Winter Soldier showed that it was clear to Sam Wilson that not everyone in the country would be willing to accept a black man as the new Star Spangled Hero.

Read More: “He’s not a superhero”: Anthony Mackie Believes His Marvel Character Is Very Different From Chris Evans’ After His Exit From the MCU

However, Wilson has subsided his apprehension and chosen to give his all to this new role. His bravery in the face of such adversity proves him capable of being Captain America but how this all will go with the viewers and in the plot devices of the MCU remains to be seen.

The release of Captain America: Brave New World has been rescheduled. And is now set to hit theatres on February 24, 2025. All the other titles mentioned in this article can be found on Disney+.

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