Spider-Man: No Way Home has quickly become one of the most debated films of all time. The internet has been buzzing with conjecture and amazement about which characters from which universes would appear in the film throughout the last year. Now that the film has been out, viewers can finally get answers.

Despite the fact that many characters were removed, the film did a decent job of including as many fan favorites as possible. But there were a few who deserved a lot more screen time. However, with a film this filled to the brim, it just isn’t possible to give every character a meaningful amount of screentime unless the film is given the length of Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

5. Flash Thompson


Because the first two Spider-Man films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe were coming-of-age films influenced by John Hughes, there were a lot more sequences with teens. Flash Thompson was a bit of a bully and extremely egocentric, but he was always entertaining to watch. However, because the tale has grown into a multiverse-spanning epic, there isn’t enough time to focus on all of Peter’s classmates.

What fans saw of Flash in the new film was entertaining, but it would have been good to hear him speak more about his book, Flashpoint. However, the character may appear more frequently in the future. The symbiote’s next host might be Flash, which is especially probable considering how the symbiote’s traces are left in the MCU universe in the mid-credits sequence.

4. Happy


Happy appears in three scenes: the first, when he and Aunt May split up, the middle, when he finds Aunt May dying in Peter’s arms, and the last, at Aunt May’s burial. Even still, such scenes are far too brief.

Happy served as Peter’s babysitter in Homecoming, and he became substantially involved in the action of Far From Home. Happy seamlessly moved from Tony Stark’s bodyguard to Spidey’s new father figure in the Iron Man series, and while it appeared that this would continue in No Way Home, it was halted.

3. Eddie Brock

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There are several amazing post-credits scenes in the MCU, but one of the finest is in No Way Home, which combines cinematic universes by introducing Venom into the mix. He is spotted in a beach tavern, questioning the bartender about Thanos. People expected to see him with a lot more screen time. Because Sony had wanted to produce the Sinister Six for so long, and because the new film only had five villains, Venom would have completed the notorious villain squad.

Hardy’s presence on the No Way Home set was well-publicized, with photographs of him wearing a No Way Home cap being shared on Instagram. As a result, it appears that most spectators expected to see Eddie Brock in the major body of the film. It appears that the actor was only visiting the site to…

2. Matt Murdock

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In the run-up to the premiere of the new film, Kevin Feige dropped the bombshell that if anybody were to play Daredevil in the MCU, it would be Charlie Cox, who portrayed the role in the beloved Netflix series. It was an unexpected announcement, and many suspected that he’d appear in No Way Home.

While this was accurate, he only appeared in the film for two minutes. The Netflix series has been canceled for three years, so seeing Cox back in the costume would have been quite fulfilling. However, his appearance as Peter’s lawyer was sufficient fan service. Not only that, but the Netflix series’ Kingpin appeared in Hawkeye, raising the issue of where Kingpin would appear next in the MCU.

  1. Jonah Jameson

J. Jonah Jameson running his own Fox-like news show in front of a green screen is a terrific modern spin on the Daily Bugle. But the finest parts of Jameson in the original Spider-Man trilogy were his encounters with his staff and his bouts of wrath that they had to endure.

Unfortunately, as wonderful as it is, the news channel limits that. Betty is now an intern at the newspaper, so the movie might have toyed with it a little more. There was a whiff of it with his cameraman, but by Jameson’s standards, it was quite mild.

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