The Marvel Cinematic Universe has a move towards grittier content. We have seen this with recent shows like Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage. The MCU is now going in a new direction by introducing characters that are trying to achieve inner peace despite their apparent lack of one. As an example, the new show on Disney+ named Moon Knight introduces a vigilante who suffers from multiple personality disorder, meaning there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to this complex superhero. With that being said, these are the 4 characters who are going to show up in the show –

Marc Specter

Mark Specter in Disney+’s Moon Knight
Mark Specter in Disney+’s Moon Knight

Specter is a complicated individual. He was born with certain mental health issues that could have been, among other things, caused by his parentage. It’s believed that Marc suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder (also known as multiple personality disorder or DID) so it could very well be that Khonshu and Moon Knight are actually two separate personalities battling for control within Marc who has no idea of this based on the Marvel comics. Marc was a boxing champion who became an army trainer and had worked as a CIA agent – but he wanted to do more than just sit around—and more than even the CIA could provide him with. Here is where Khonshu stepped in, turning Marc into Moon Knight who isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty—he can wield blades, fight hand-to-hand, or use firearms when the situation calls for hostilities.


Khonshu in Disney+’s Moon Knight
Khonshu in Disney+’s Moon Knight

Next on the list is Khonshu, who resides in the Othervoid and comes into contact with various beings of this universe through the Earth’s electromagnetic field. He then forms psychic links with those that he chooses which in return allows his avatar/vessel to do things on his behalf. Khonshu scouted Marc Spector at a young age and deemed him fit for forming a psychic link in exchange for a vessel to act out his will and an Avatar. This culminated later when Marc was delivered to Khonshu’s altar after nearly dying via car crash as a wounded Marine/ CIA agent. Khonshu offered Marc life in exchange for his service and Marc accepted thus Moon Knight was born.

Steven Grant

Steven Grant in Disney+’s Moon Knight
Steven Grant in Disney+’s Moon Knight

Next, Steven Grant is one of the first comic book personalities Marc Specter discovers as a young man in the Marvel comic books. Spector’s uncanny ability to be a psychic werewolf was seemingly brought on through his connection with Khonshu. At some point, he imagines meeting another boy named Steven who is uncertain of himself like him. But Spector’s mind actually begins doing things this way and puts a face on his own personality that makes people trust him. This enables him to get funds for his high-end equipment for crime-fighting. Steven Grant does not seem to have any special powers of his own but knows how to handle himself when it comes down to thoughts of romance. However, we are unsure how this will be depicted in the television show.

Jake Lockley

Jake Lockley in Disney+’s Moon Knight
Jake Lockley in Disney+’s Moon Knight

Last but not least, Jake Lockley is not a very well-known personality of Marc Specter. He is more commonly known as a taxi driver who prefers to stay in the streets and gain street-level knowledge about criminals. But in some versions of Moon Knight, Jake is just a persona Marc adopts when he was a teenager. Marc developed this alternate persona as a result of his parents having him institutionalized after he falsely tried framing one of his classmates for stealing his purse. From here, Marc escaped from the mental hospital and joined the Marine Corps.

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