Chris Pratt auditioned for Captain America!
One of the most entertaining actors present in the Hollywood today named Chris Pratt is entertaining us from past 5 years. By playing the star-lord role in marvel’s guardians of galaxy franchise and playing a completely different role in parks and rec alum.

Arrival of Disney plus
Earlier yesterday that is on 12th November 2019, the Disney has launched new Disney+ (Disney Plus) has brought a lot of attention and buzz all over the world. With the launch of Disney plus marvel, studios have revealed much more extra content from the marvel cinematic universe. It includes the feature focusing on Sarah Finn.

Sarah Finn, the casting director.

People wondering who Sarah Finn is?
The answer for the question is right here. she is the casting director of marvel studios. Finn unveiled that she came across the talents of Chris Pratt for the first time during his audition he gave for the role of captain america. Played by the Chris Evans who is called as the walking legend. We all know the end result of the audition of the captain America evidently. Impressing by his audition Chris came in Finn’s radar for the role of star-lord in guardians of the galaxy.
Film-maker James Gunn

Chris Pratt never had an easy walkway through in Guardians of the galaxy. Even though Chris managed impressing Sarah Finn. The film-maker James Gunn was not interested in watching the audition tape of Chris Pratt in the first place. Sarah Finn kept on insisting and pointing out that Chris Pratt was the perfect match for the role of star-lord.
Chris Pratt’s audition for star-lord
Sarah Finn stated on the red carpet of end games that kept on insisting James give Chris a chance. Gunn felt that she was just annoying him by saying Chris Pratt was the perfect match for the role. She convinced him in giving Chris a chance. But Chris Pratt was not interested in auditioning for the role. Finally, Sarah Finn got Chris to audition. Gunn said yes in looking at just 10 seconds of the audition.