Sacha Goldberger, a French photographer recently reimagined our favorite comic book characters as 16th century Flemish portrait models.  The photo series titled “Super Flamands” showcases how ageless these characters are. Goldeberger cites the Flemish paintings in his parents house and a childhood filled with superheroes as his inspirations.



Sir Anthony of House Stark


Tony looks every bit his regal self as the representative for the advanced house of Stark.

Squire Peter


Here is Sir Anthony’s bright, young squire, Peter. He in time, will surpass his esteemed master.

Ser Bruce of House Banner


Ser Banner is on display in this wonderful protrait, a testament to his hulking, powerful form.

Ser Rogers, Defender and Knight


Sir Rogers is captured here in a penseive moment with his crest on his shield, indicative for the land he fights for.

Lord Vader


Lord Vader, formerly of House Skywalker looks intimidating in all his regalia.

The Princess


Once a princess, always a rebel princess. Princess Leia looks both fierce and inspiring in her 16th century regalia.

Darth Maul of the Sith


One of the Dark Knights of the Sith, Darth Maul’s gaze is both piercing and chilling at the same time.




A loyal ally of the rebels and the Jedi Knights, Chewbacca is ready to take on all enemies with his trusted Bowcaster.



For some reason, here’s R2-D2.


Sir Kal of House El


Simply the greatest of them all, here’s sir Kal of house El, looking noble and resplendent.

Princess Diana of Themyscira


Princess Diana of Themyscira stands tall, looking like the paragon of virtue, perfection and womanhood in this wonderful portrait of the goddess of truth.

Ser Bruce of House Wayne


Ser Bruce of House Wayne looks mysterious and regal at the same time. His house is one of mystery and innovation, protecting the lands of Gotham.

Lady Selina


Here is Ser Bruce’s constant companion, the lovely lady Selina, rarely seen without a feline companion.

The Jester


The shadowy nobleman known as the Jester lazily stares into the distance, contemplating his next, twisted move. The origin of his scars still remain a mystery.


Sir Richard, House Grayson


Here’s young Sir Richard of House Grayson. House Wayne has taken over wardship of this aspiring young lad as a steward to Ser Bruce. The young lad even has a nickname- Robin. Perhaps he will survive his training and surprass his master after all. Only time will tell.

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