Premiering on Netflix on April 11, Baby Reindeer gained notable popularity despite minimal promotion. This was possible through word-of-mouth and the unique storyline. With 18.6 million views in its third week alone, it shot to the top of the streaming service’s most-watched charts. However, the show is now facing controversy.

A still from Baby Reindeer
A still from Baby Reindeer (Credits: Netflix)

Fiona Harvey, the alleged inspiration behind a character in the hit Netflix series, is now planning to sue the streaming giant, the show’s creator Richard Gadd, and the production company, Clerkenwell Films.

Harvey stated that the portrayal has made her life miserable. The show is supposed to be a true story, but she insists that none of the things shown about the character (Martha Scott) – a creepy stalker obsessed with the main guy (Donny Dunn) – are true at all.

Fiona Harvey Said Baby Reindeer Destroyed Her Life

Fiona Harvey gave an interview to Piers Morgan on Thursday
Fiona Harvey in an interview (Credits: YouTube/ Piers Morgan Uncensored)

Netflix series, Baby Reindeer, has become a hit, but it’s also landed in hot water. The show, created by comedian Richard Gadd who also plays himself, tells a fictional story about a comedian being harassed by a stalker named Martha. Fiona Harvey alleged the character of Martha is based on her and that the show depicts her actions inaccurately.

Since the show’s release, Harvey said she’s been bombarded with online abuse and even death threats. People online have connected the dots between the show and her real life, making it difficult for her to live normally. The 48-year-old denies all the accusations made about her in the show, including claims of criminal behavior.

The Scottish woman stated that she was never contacted by the show’s creators to verify the story and feels the show paints an unfair picture of her. “Nobody ever approached me for any comment on the accuracy of Baby Reindeer,” Harvey said in a statement released to ET.

Fiona Harvey is Planning to Fight Back with a Lawsuit

Martha Scott in a still from Baby Reindeer
Martha Scott in a still from Baby Reindeer (Credits: Netflix)

Fiona Harvey has hired a team of lawyers in both the U.S. and U.K. to pursue legal action against Netflix, Richard Gadd, and the show’s producer, Clerkenwell Films. She hopes the lawsuit will clear her name and hold those responsible accountable for the damage caused.

Now, Harvey, through her senior attorney Chris Daw, has announced her plans to sue “all of those who have lied about me and used my image to make large sums of money for themselves.” She accused the show of causing “untold damage to my health, my reputation, and my job prospects.”

Both Gadd, the show’s creator, and Netflix have maintained they took steps to protect the real-life identity of the character’s inspiration. The 35-year-old writer stated during a For Your Consideration panel (reported by The Hollywood Reporter):

I never saw someone who was a villain. I saw someone who was lost by the system, really. I saw someone who needed help and wasn’t getting it.

Prior to the show’s release, Gadd even pleaded with fans not to search for the real people behind the characters.

Watch Baby Reindeer on Netflix.

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