In the past couple of decades, gaming companies have reached new peaks. Many modern gaming Technologies like holographic gaming, VR gaming, and 3-D gaming have significantly evolved.

Top-end gaming consoles like Nintendo, Xbox, and PlayStation is creating improved versions of gaming for better user experience.

Microsoft “Xbox”

The original Xbox one controller
The original Xbox one controller

Microsoft with advanced technological expertise created the widely used “Windows OS”. It entered the gaming industry when it released the first Xbox in 2001.

And then, on three more consoles were released, making a mark in the 6th, 7th, and 8th generation gaming. One of the console’s unique features is Xbox Live, used for online communication between players.

In 2013, the 8th gen Xbox one was a great success. It paved the way to its successor Xbox Series X and Xbox One S.

Cyberpunk 2077

A preview of cyberpunk 2077
A preview of cyberpunk 2077

The cyberpunk 2077 is a role-playing game that is yet to be released this coming September.

This game is adapted from the previous versions’ cyberpunk 2013, 2020, and version 3.0. These versions were released in 1988 1990-2005 respectively.

The overall setup of the game is in a dystopian world where you take up a role of a mercenary. You can customize your character and play in FPP modes.

Xbox ONE Cyberpunk 2077 limited edition

The Limited Edition Xbox one listings
The Limited Edition Xbox one listings

The Xbox One limited edition for the game cyberpunk 2077 is under process. It’s a collaborative project by Microsoft and CD Projekt Red. Amazon leaked this news.

Also, there is an Amazon listing providing the specifications for this product. Recently, a South American retailer released a listing of the product, which is now removed.

Many other Leaks are also made on the product. Amazon reveals the product to a cyberpunk specialized Xbox One with the same properties as the original Xbox One. Both the production companies have not spoken about the new product. But it is sure to be on its way to the Market.


sources: game rant, comicbook, amazon

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