DC Casting Choices That Royally Sucked
DC Superhero Movies have had some terrible DC casting choices. These DC Casting Choices in particular make us want to forget they ever existed!!
Jim Carrey – The Riddler

Before Cory Michael Smith immortalized the Batman villain in Gotham, we managed to have a bastardized and haphazard version of the Riddler in the form of Jim Carrey. Batman Forever was by and large a hit and a miss. But the movie did have a huge villain problem, something that normally never ails DC movies. Jim Carrey is a terrific actor but he was totally not the best of DC Casting Choices. The Riddler is not a stand up comedian. But that’s what the writers made Jim Carrey’s Riddler feel like. Thankfully this major setback did not ruin Carrey’s film career, who went on to become one of Hollywood’s most celebrated actors.
Arnold Schwarzenegger – Mr. Freeze

Arnold Schwarzenegger is not the cream of the crop when it comes to Hollywood. As far as DC casting choices are concerned, we certainly never hoped to see him as this iconic Batman villain. In Batman & Robin, Schwarzenegger played Mr. Freeze. What was worse than his acting were the relentless and cringe ice puns. The role was too restricting for an actor of Arnold’s caliber and it showed so evidently that the Mr. Freeze portrayal was not the best of choices for him. Thankfully, this did not ‘freeze’ the Batman franchise from moving ahead. (See, we can also do cringe jokes!!)
Halle Berry – Catwoman

The actor is a national treasure and must be protected at all times. But even the most revered and adorable of actors commit some major mistakes in their career. Halle Berry’s most infamous movie role was playing Catwoman in the 2004 movie of the same name. The film had a 9% rating over at Rotten Tomatoes and earned Halle Berry a Razzie for worst actress. She actually went to the Razzie event to get the award and diss on the studio and the director for making her do this. Ironically, she did manage to play the role of Storm in Fox’s X-Men movies and things smoothed out for her later on.
Tommy Lee Jones – Two-Face

Batman Forever has a special spot on this list. The two villains that were the antagonists of the movie ended up being some of the worst DC casting choices ever made. First was Jim Carrey’s Riddler. But Tommy Lee Jones as Two-Face was no picnic either. It was painful to watch this gem of an actor give it his all on screen, only for the screenplay and writing to be so bad it ended up creating a permanent stain on his career. It was only after Aaron Eckhart portrayed Two-Face in The Dark Knight that the villain got his Hollywood redemption years later. It was only after being cast in Captain America that the actor got another chance at redemption in the superhero genre.
Uma Thurman – Poison Ivy

To be honest, we were all actually excited to see Uma Thurman play the role of poison Ivy on screen. There could not have been a better day for the ones making DC casting choices. Only after seeing Batman & Robin that we realized that how wrong we as fans could be. Uma Thurman’s Poison Ivy was a mere shell of the complicated, layered villain from the DC universe. Poison Ivy is more than just a man-charming, plant loving femme fatale. The movie and the actor did not do the role enough justice. Maybe that is why we have never seen Poison Ivy on the big screens. Hollywood just can’t handle a powerful female character like her.