With Titans, we saw a successful take of a darker Robin in the Titans series by DC. Brendon Thwaites’ version was a darker take on Robin which had a splintered relationship with Batman which caused him to leave the Dark Knight. Many fans speculated this version of Robin to take on the Nightwing alias in the first Titans season but for some reason, that didn’t happen. In the latest interview, Thwaites did suggest that Nightwing might be in the cards for the second season as we already have a ready to go costume all decked up.

Nightwing Costume Confirmed For Season Two

Nightwing will appear in season two of Titans
Nightwing will appear in season two of DC Titans

In the latest interview, Brendon Thwaites confirmed that a new suit is on the cards while he talked with Red Carpet Report. Thwaites was questioned if he already had a Nightwing costume for himself and while the suit isn’t new, there’s one at least.

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“I don’t know if I have a new one…I think we…yes, I have a new one,” Thwaites said. “I haven’t tried it on yet so I’m anticipating the day I get to try that on and see how it looks. See how it fits. See if I can move in it, I probably can. Yeah, I’m excited to try that on.”


Until now, Grayson has rocked the Robin suit extremely well although Thwaites’ take is far from the clean Robin fans have seen until now. It looks like that the second season of Titans will see him drop finally the Robin title and take on the Nightwing alias. It’s time as fans have already come across Jason Todd in Titans who serves as the Robin to Batman.

DC Offers A Different Take at Robin

Brendon Thwaites as Robin/Nightwing
Brendon Thwaites as Robin/Nightwing


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The DC comics also saw a similar Robin journey where he went from classic red, green and yellow to sleek blue and black costume. However, the comics saw a few more versions of Robin’s costume before he got set up with the one we all love and adore. Many fans would want to see a homage to the classic Nightwing costume in Titans but we do hope that the blue and black suit is something he will get full time with.

Obviously, right now the costume change is the last thing in his mind as he’s under the influence of Trigon as per the finale of season one. Fans will have to wait how it plays out for Robin in season 2 of Titans.

Source: Comicbook, Twitter

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