Marvel Comics has given us numerous heroes that we simply adore but none of them come close to Deadpool. The Merc With A Mouth has entertained his fans for decades and even enjoyed a lot of success on the big screen. While fans are aware of his powers, one of them being healing, some of you do not know about the injuries he has suffered in the comics. Honestly, he has endured some life-threatening injuries that he has survived with a smirk. Let’s take a look at it. Check it out!

1. Turned Into A Cape

Most severe injuries faced by Deadpool
Most severe injuries faced by Deadpool

Yes, this easily tops the list. Marvel’s answer to the Dark Knight was Good Night. Even he witnessed his parents get killed in the alleyway and have the same origin. However, instead of growing up to fight crime, he starts messing with Wade. Things go so far that Good Night breaks Wade’s back, de-bones him, and wears him as a CAPE! Easily one of the best revenge schemes.

2. Ripped Apart by Hulk

Most severe injuries faced by Deadpool
Most severe injuries faced by Deadpool

We all saw Wade getting ripped apart in Deadpool 2 by Juggernaut which was a hilarious scene. But something like this is expected when you go up against the Hulk as well. But he doesn’t rip people apart until Wade killed his friends in Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe. Even after getting ripped apart, he didn’t stay down for too long.

3.  Ripped Apart By Carnage

Most severe injuries faced by Deadpool
Most severe injuries faced by Deadpool

Carnage is a ferocious villain that Marvel heroes really don’t want to face, right? But that is where Deadpool comes. Similar to the Hulk, Carnage too ripped apart our favorite Marvel hero. After Cletus escaped from prison, Wade set out to stop him because he thought he got a message from the universe. After they faced each other in a government facility, Carnage ripped Deadpool apart and planned to burn him along with the building.

4. Free Food For Zombie

Night of the Living Deadpool
Night of the Living Deadpool

During Night of the Living Deadpool, Wade came out of a coma to realize that he is the only person alive during a zombie apocalypse. Even though he managed to put up a good fight, he ultimately went down after being overpowered by a group of zombies. While he was being eaten alive by the undead, he narrated his experience. However, there was an unexpected twist which shall remain a surprise.

5. Crushed Between Thanos’ Hands

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The only Marvel hero that can truly tick Thanos is Deadpool as they have been in a love triangle, fighting to take Death’s hand. In Deadpool vs Thanos, he realized that people aren’t dying and confronted Thanos about it. Of course, the Merc couldn’t keep his mouth shut which resulted in his crushed head and exposed ribs. Pain is something he loves and something he uses as an adrenaline rush.

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